I burst out laughing at this, suddenly relieved at the idea that not only are these not Lulu’s kids, but that maybe she might not be married either.

“So,” I say, hand on Oscar’s shoulder. “Is your aunt Lauren married?”

Oscar shakes his head. “Nope. Mom says she’s married to this place,” he adds, looking around the property.

I laugh. “I see. Boyfriend?”

He shakes his head again. “Nope,” he repeats again. “But I overheard Mom telling her that a good pounding from a hot guy is exactly what she needs,” he says. “What does that even mean?”

I burst out laughing, actually stopping as I bend at the waist, hands on my thighs. Oh god, thank fuck for the honesty of kids, cause this one’s gonna be a goldmine of information.

“Oh Oscar,” I eventually say. “I think you and I are going to be good friends.” A hand on his shoulder again as I steer him toward what I now know is his aunt’s house.

“Cool,” Oscar says, nodding.

When we get back to the house, Lauren is sitting on her front porch, feet up on the rail and a beer in her hand.

“There you are,” she says standing, eyes on Oscar. “Get inside and get cleaned up,” she says to him.

Oscar holds out a hand to me, giving me some complicated handshake when I offer him mine, before he walks off. Lauren stares at him until the front door slams, before turning back to me.

“Good kid you got there,” I say, even though I know he isn’t hers now.

“Hmmm,” is all she says, not bothering to correct me.

I grin, lifting my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face. When I lower it, I see Lulu staring at me, her mouth slightly open.

“Get a good look?” I ask, grinning.

She swallows hard, before taking a long pull from the beer that’s currently pressed against her neck. “What happened to your glasses?” she asks, the added, “Four eyes,” clearly said to piss me off.

I chuckle, remembering all the times she called me that as a kid, thinking it did piss me off when really, it did nothing but confirm she was paying attention to me.

“Laser,” I say, lifting my shirt again, partly to wipe the sweat, partly because I wanna watch her reaction once more. “Don’t wear them anymore.”

Lulu nods but in that way that says she hasn’t heard a single thing I’ve said.

“You okay there, Lulu? You look a little tense.”

She nods again, but says nothing.

“Well, I gotta take a shower,” I say, hand gripping my t-shirt. “Laters, Lulu,” I add, pausing before adding, “Unless you wanna join me?”

I watch as she stares back at me, a look on her face that I can’t decipher, before her jaw tightens and she seems to regain control of herself again.

“Grow up,” she says, shooting me a filthy look.

I chuckle. “What?” I say, hands out as if to indicate, I have no idea what she’s talking about. “We’re both adults.”

Lulu rolls her eyes. “One of us is,” she mutters.

“Well,” I say, as I make my way next door. “The offer’s there, should you change your mind,” I add, opening my front door. I can feel her eyes on me, watching me as I walk inside my house. Just before I let the front door close behind me, I pop my head back out and bust her still watching me.

Grinning, I say, “Also, I brought a shitload of Tim Tams over with me, so you know, if you want some…”

I trail off, not bothering to hide the double meaning of my wordsif you want some.

Lu says nothing, but I can’t stop the grin as a red flush creeps over her cheeks. Chuckling, I wink at her again before disappearing inside to take a shower, my brain picturing what it would be like if she joined me.