I reach over,smacking at my nightstand for my phone that has startled me awake.What time is it? Who is calling me in the middle of the night?I think as I crack my eyes open, only to be greeted with daylight peeking through my curtains.Shit.

“Hello,” I say groggily after hitting the accept button.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty, are you not working today?” my best friend, cousin, and business partner, Harper, asks.

“Yeah, I apparently slept through my alarm. Let me get the kids up and off to my parents, and then I’ll be in. Sorry to leave you without help,” I apologize.

“I’ve got it all under control, but the repair guy should be here to start installing the new oven within the hour,” she reminds me.

“Oh, shit. I forgot that was today.”

“Gotta go; a line of people is walking in. See you soon,” Harper says before hanging up.

I toss the covers off my body and force myself out of bed. I don’t hear the kids, so I head straight for the bathroom. I hope a hot shower will help wake me up and get me through this day.

Bang!The bathroom door hits the wall as my daughter, Hope, comes walking through, her blanket in one hand as she drags it along the floor.

“Mommy is almost done, sweetie,” I tell her from inside the shower. I’ve just rinsed my shampoo out, and quickly grab the conditioner bottle and squeeze some into my hand.

“I’m hungry,” she proclaims.

“I’ll get you some breakfast before we head to Grandma and Grandpa’s,” I tell her.

“Pancakes?” she asks, and I don’t miss the way her voice hitches up with some hope.

“Not today. We’re late and I need to get to the bakery, but this weekend, for sure. Unless you want Grandma to make them for you,” I suggest. I look over and find her contemplating my offer. “Go see if Benji is awake for Mommy,” I tell her.

“Okay,” she agrees and turns to leave the bathroom to find her brother.

I quickly finish with my hair before shutting the water off and stepping out. I throw on a clean pair of jeans and a bakery T-shirt before heading back into the bathroom to pull my hair up into a ponytail so it’s out of my face while I’m baking.

“Morning, Benjamin,” I state as I ruffle my son’s hair. He’s curled up on the couch, a cartoon playing on the TV screen.

“Mornin’, Mommy,” he greets, and I lean down and kiss the top of his head.

“We need to get going. I’m late, so please go get dressed and put your shoes on.”

He starts to grumble, not wanting to move very quickly this morning.You and me both, buddy,I think to myself as I turn for the kitchen. I pop two pieces of bread into the toaster, then grab the butter and cinnamon-sugar shaker to make the kids a quick snack to hold them over until I can drop them off at my parents’ house.

While I wait on the toaster, I grab my cell and shoot off a text to my mom, giving her a heads up.

Lacey:Running late, we overslept. I’m about to load the kids in the car and head your way. I’m making them some cinnamon-sugar toast for the ride over, but can you please feed them breakfast? Hope was requesting pancakes while I was in the shower.

Rita:Of course, I’ll feed those sweet babies. I’ll have the pancakes hot and ready for them by the time you get here. Does Benjamin want some bacon?

Lacey:I’m sure he’d love some, you know that boy can eat his weight in bacon.

Rita:Grandpa will be mighty happy to have an excuse to fire up the Blackstone grill and get to makin’ some breakfast.

Lacey:Thanks, Mom. I couldn’t do this without all your and Dad’s help.

Rita:Family doesn’t abandon family. Now get moving, you already said you were late.

I suck in a full breath and hold it for a couple of seconds before blowing it all the way out. When my emotions threaten to overpower me, my therapist gave me that as a coping mechanism, and it works wonders to help me refocus and move forward.