“Call the fire department,we’ve got a fire in the front!” Lacey calls out as I sit a little stunned while I watch Nathan walk out of the bakery. I snap my attention to her, looking around like there’s an actual fire.

I look over at her again, shrugging my shoulders, as I have no idea what just happened. “What was that?” I finally get out.

“I’d say that is a man that is infatuated with you,” she says, coming over to join me, taking the seat Nathan just vacated.

“It’s a whirlwind, that’s for sure,” I tell her. I can’t believe that Nathan just got into town a few days ago. Now, he’s all up in my business and back in my life like the last ten years never happened, but yet they very much did happen. The scary thing is, that even with all the time that passed, it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.

“Are you seeing him again tonight?” Lacey asks.

“Yeah, he asked if he could bring dinner over.”

“Yes, girl! Get it. Might as well one of us be getting some.” She snickers.

“Lacey!” I chide.

“Girl, don’t deny it. I know that man made you see stars last night. You came in all glowing, more tired than normal, but with a bounce in your step I haven’t ever seen.”

“It was something,” I admit, thinking back to last night. How different it was, how Nathan made me feel. What it was like to be intimate with him.

“Damn, I need to find me a man like that,” she says.

“Yeah, every woman deserves a man like that,” I agree with her. “It’s just too bad that he’s going back to California in a few days,” I tell her honestly. “I can’t get too attached. It’s not like we can make something work long-term.”

“You’ll figure it out. True love is worth it, so they say.”

“Who said anything about love?” I ask.

“No one, but all I’m saying is, that if it is meant to be, it will be.”

“If you say so,” I murmur, not really believing that we can make whatever this is between us work. Not when he’s in California and I’m in Tennessee. It’s not like I can pack up my bakery and relocate it to California. And I don’t think he can pack up a multi-billion-dollar tech company and relocate it to Tennessee.

“Want some help prepping for the morning?” Lacey asks.

“Yes, maybe we can get out of here early today,” I state, dreaming of the chances of that actually happening.

“Then, let’s get to it. I’ll start the cakes for tomorrow if you want to start the special orders,” she suggests.

“Perfect,” I tell her as we both make our way into the kitchen.

We both wash our hands before we get to work, one of us stopping only the few times a customer came in to pick up an afternoon treat. We’re finally able to get out around four, which isn’t bad, considering how long it usually takes just to clean up once we’ve locked the door and flipped the sign to closed.

I stop at the store on the way home, picking up a small basketful of groceries I was running low on, along with another bottle of wine and another pack of beer. I have no idea what Nathan plans to bring with him tonight, but I needed everything anyway, so it isn’t like I’m just buying things because he’ll be over and hopefully staying again tonight.



I leave the bakery,heading straight for the mechanic to pick up the truck. Once I’ve got that all paid for, I take off for my parents’ house. I want to stop in for a quick visit with them, plus, I want to grab a change of clothes and my toiletries to have, if I end up back at Harper’s tonight.

“Well, nice to see you today.” Mom smirks as I enter the house. She’s sitting in her chair, nursing her afternoon cup of tea.

“Been a busy morning already,” I tell her, leaving out the fact that I haven’t been here since yesterday, not that she’s not already aware of that, I’m sure. “Had to have the truck towed down to the shop, it broke down on me last night. The alternator went out, but they were able to fix it right up.”

“Why didn’t you call, we could have come picked you up,” she says.

“I didn’t need a ride, Mom. I’m good.”

“And how’s Harper?” she asks, already knowing who I was with.