“He sounds like a keeper,” Dad muses.

“You know it,” I agree with him.

“Well, before you go, we can have a small little get together for you here, maybe invite his family, as well,” Dad suggests.

“I’d love that,” I tell him, thankful that even with my mom’s condition, my dad has never let an important moment be missed since he’s had to take over as the dominant parent and caretaker for her.

We chat for another half hour or so before I head out and home. I need to get a load of laundry done and figure out some dinner before Nathan will be home and calling me this evening.

* * *

Six weeks later

“Willyou tell me where you’re taking me yet?” I ask Nathan as we take our seats on the jet.

“Our first stop is New York City for two days,” he finally tells me.

“Just the first two days?”

“Yep, and that’s all you’re getting for now.” He leans over and kisses me.

“Fine, if you insist,” I say against his lips.

“I’ll make the wait very worth it.” He smiles before kissing me again.

The flight is quick, and before I know it, we’re being whisked away to our hotel that looks out over Central Park.

“If you’re comfortable in what you already have on, let’s go, otherwise, go change into something you’ll be okay in for us to walk around for a few hours.”

I look down at the chucks, jeans, and t-shirt I flew here in and know that I’ll be just fine in this. I grab my jean jacket to bring, just in case there is a breeze and I get cold. It is fall and the temps drop fairly quickly once the sun sets.

“I’m ready,” I tell him, excited to go out exploring and to hopefully figure out some of what he’s got planned for this week.

He takes my hand, linking our fingers together as we head out of our suite and down to the lobby. It only takes us a few minutes and we’re in Central Park. I’ve never been to New York City, so my knowledge of it is what I’ve seen on TV and in movies. I take it all in. The hustle and bustle of everyone going their own ways, the street vendors selling everything from hot dogs, to knock off t-shirts and purses.

“Are you hungry?” Nathan asks as we walk past a row of food carts.

“A little, now that I’m smelling everything,” I admit.

“What do you want?” he asks, standing where we can see everything being offered.

“Maybe one of those giant pretzels with cheese,” I tell him, pointing to one of the vendors further down.

“Sure,” he says, starting to walk that way. He steps up to the cart, ordering us one to share, along with a Coke. “For you, my love,” he states, handing over the giant pretzel. “I got us each our own cheese cup, so we don’t run out.”

“Good thinking. I hate it when that happens,” I admit.

“I figured so.” He smirks. “Knowing how much you like your frosting on cinnamon rolls and cupcakes, I figured the same rule applies here.”

“Well, well, well, someone is observant,” I muse.

“Very. I’m like a vault. I remember all kinds of things about you,” he tells me as we start to stroll down one of the many paths in the park. We come upon the large amphitheater and there is a lot of people working at setting up equipment around the stage.

“I wonder what’s going on here,” I state.

“Looks like they’re setting up for a concert,” he says, and I notice all the musical equipment.

“I guess so.” I look around to see if I can find any signs announcing who’s playing.