“I am. It was a long day and after heating up some leftovers and drinking a glass of wine, I sat down to catch up with some of my shows I’ve been neglecting on the DVR.”

“Ah, well, I just got home and I’m about to pull out one of the meals that Shelly dropped off today when she was here.”

“How was your meeting?” I ask.

“It was good. It was with the commissioner for the hockey league. They granted us permission to move to the next step.”

“Oh, that’s good, so what now?” I ask, excited for him and Leo.

“At this point, we’ve got to hire a few people that will be much more knowledgeable than either of us are, that can help us move forward with the process. Once we have a general manager hired, I think things will move a little smoother. The commissioner gave us some potential contacts. Leo is going to take the lead on setting up interviews with them.”

“That’s amazing! When do you think those will happen?”

“Hopefully in the next few days, maybe even before we have to head out east next week.”

“That’s fast.”

“It is, but time is money. We’ll put these guys on the first available flight and bring them to us. Anyone in the position to take on a job like this one, will be willing to drop everything to come meet with us. We’re talking about a few million-dollar salary contract, they’ll come to us, babe,” he states like it’s nothing.

“I still can’t fathom that kind of dollar amount.”

“I know, but it’s my life, day in and day out. It took me a few months to get used to dealing with such big contracts after our first one,” he tells me.

“Your grandmother came in today,” I tell him, changing the subject.

“Oh God, please tell me she behaved herself?” he groans.

“She did.” I giggle at his worry. “She only asked me once if I was ready to marry you and give her a great-grandbaby.”

“Of course, she did,” he says, wiping a hand over his face.

“I told her soon,” I tell him, and he about drops the phone.

“Excuse me, can you repeat that?” he asks, a little shocked.

“I told her soon, somewhat as a joke to see how she’d respond. You know, give her a little taste of her own medicine, so to speak, but also it isn’t a secret that we love each other and that’s the end goal.”

“I love everything about what you just said. The sassy way you tried to get back at her, but most of all knowing that you’re going to be mine, and hopefully sooner than later. How soon after I wife you up am I allowed to knock you up? Fuck, I’m already getting hard at the vision of you all swollen with our baby.”

“I have no idea. Let’s table that discussion for another day, sound good?” I suggest. I can’t even wrap my mind around a baby today. I know I want kids, but one thing at a time.”

“If you insist.” He smirks at me through the camera.

“I do, now, go eat, then call me back. I’m going to go soak in the bath for a little bit before I crawl into bed. If you’re lucky, I’ll be naked when you call me back.”

“How long do I have to wait? I can forget about eating if that means you’ll get naked right now.”

“Tempting, but I need to soak, first.”

“I’m sure a couple orgasms will get you nice and relaxed.”

“Not as good as if you were here giving them to me personally.”

He groans and I don’t miss the way he adjusts himself. “Don’t remind me. I’m already warning you that you better be ready for me when I get there next week. We’ll be delaying our departure to the cabin by at least an hour after I arrive, as I don’t think I’ll be able to hold out that long before I’m inside of you.”

“Have I ever told you how much I love your dirty mouth?” I ask, getting all hot and bothered just thinking about next weekend.

“I don’t think so, but you can continue.” He smirks again.