“Interesting, very interesting,” I tell him as we walk inside. “Not to change the subject or anything, but I’m going to go get in the shower. If I sit down any longer, I’m going to fall asleep. So, if we have any hope to make it out of here and over to your grandmother’s, I need to keep moving.”

“Go, I’m good out here,” Nathan states, taking a seat on the couch.

I head for the bathroom on auto pilot. As soon as the hot water hits my sore and tired muscles, I lean against the shower wall and let the water relax me for a few moments. Before I fall asleep standing up, I quickly wash and condition my hair, then run a razor over my legs before shutting the water off and getting out. I wrap my hair up in a towel as I dry the rest of my body off.

I head into my bedroom, pulling out a pair of jeans and a cute top to pull on. I don’t want to look too desperate or like I’m trying to make a big impression. I’ve known Nathan’s grandmother my entire life. She’s practically like a third one to me already, but there’s just something about being invited over to her house for the first time as his girlfriend.

Once dressed, I head back into the bathroom. I apply a little bit of makeup, hoping that I can hide the bags under my eyes from how tired I am. I scrunch some product into my hair, making the decision to let it air dry today. It might bite me in the ass later, if it gets super humid, but I’ll deal with that if it happens.

“I’m ready,” I call out, coming back down the hall. Nathan is still on the couch, this time with the TV muted and his phone to his ear. He’s writing something down on a pad of paper I must have had on the end table, so I head into the kitchen to grab something to drink before we head out. I hear him end the call, so I re-join him in the living room. “Everything okay?” I ask, taking another drink from the bottle I’m holding.

“Yep, just a work call,” he says, sliding the piece of paper into his pocket. “Let’s go. Grandma already texted me asking when we’d get there. She’s an impatient little thing.” He chuckles.

I follow him out the door. He stops and locks up, since he’s got my keys, then leads me to the car, opening the passenger door for me and waiting until I’m safely inside before he closes my door.

“Finally!” Grandma Betsy calls out when she opens the door for us. “I thought you’d never get here.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Harper needed to go home, first,” Nathan reminds her.

“I know how you work; you’d skip out on this little visit if you thought you could get away with it. I know how your mind works, Nathan Bailey,” she scolds him, and I can’t help but giggle at the way she is.

“Thank you for having us,” I interject, not wanting things to turn sour before they even begin.

“Anytime, dear, now come in, let’s sit and chat.”

We follow Grandma Betsy into her small living room. I’m impressed that, at ninety years old, she’s still living on her own. Still getting around pretty good and is in good health, from what I’ve overheard.

“I’m not stupid, I know the two of you are having sex, so tell me when I should expect the wedding invitation. Do you plan to get married here in Sweet Valley, or do I need to prepare to fly somewhere? I’m not sure I can handle flying, but I’ll do it, if you insist.”

I look at Nathan, I’m sure my eyes are ready to pop out of my head at the straightforward questions she’s just come out and asked. I guess I’m thankful that she asked us here early rather than ask such a question in front of anyone else.

“Well, G-Ma,” Nathan starts to say, stopping to clear his throat a second time. “We’ve not yet discussed those kinds of things, but when the time is right and we do, we’ll make sure to keep you informed. The level of intimacy we choose to engage in is our business, so please respect Harper’s privacy and don’t ask her things like that, especially in public. You might be able to get away with asking some crazy questions because you’re old, but that doesn’t mean she has to be comfortable answering them.”

I sit, slacked jawed at Nathan’s answers. I never thought he’d be so firm, but I also can’t help but swoon at how he took over and protected me the entire time.

“Oh, child.” Betsy starts to laugh. “I got you both so good.” She falls back against the chair, her laughter getting louder and louder as the laugh becomes bigger.

“You were joking?” I ask, the giggles starting to get stronger, until I can’t hold them back and just give in.

“Oh my, yes.” She laughs again, wiping at her eyes as tears start to stream down her face. “I’ve been thinking all day what kind of outrageous questions I could ask the two of you to see how far you’d let me take my little questioning session, but after that answer, I know this one,” she pauses, hooking a thumb in Nathan’s direction, “won’t be up for any more of my shenanigans.”

“You really had me fooled,” I admit.

“One point for G-Ma!” Betsy cheers, putting her fists in the air.

“G-Ma.” Nathan finally laughs, finding her shenanigans funny. “You are a real piece of work, please don’t ever change. I love you, even if you did get me going there, for a second.”

“I love you, too, child. I’m still going to hound you every chance I get on when you’re going to give me another wedding to attend and a great grandbaby to spoil. I’m not getting any younger over here, ya know.”

“We’ll take that into consideration.” Nathan laughs and slides a hand over my shoulders, his fingers massaging the tight muscles of my neck.

I still can’t get over the forwardness of Betsy’s questions, but we talk about my time in California. Nathan tells her a little bit about what he was telling me in the car about possibly starting a new professional hockey team.

Before we know it, an hour has passed, and Nathan’s parents are joining us. His mother comes in, carrying a casserole dish that she takes straight to the kitchen. His dad also carries in a bag full of items, following his wife into the kitchen.

“Nice to see you again so soon, son,” his mother greets him. He kisses her cheek, then pulls her into a hug once she’s set down her dish.

“Nice to see you again, even if it is just a quick visit,” he states. “My flight takes off in a few hours.”