“Oh, there’s one of my book club friends!” she says, pointing across the room. “I’ll talk to you later.” She scurries off across the room, ready to greet her friends. I can’t help but smile at just how happy she is. As much as I dug my heels in about returning home, it is nice being back here again.



I wipe down the counters,the morning rush has passed, and I can finally catch my breath and work on a batch of brownies for this afternoon. I prep two large pans, one with walnuts and one without. I’m always super-careful to avoid cross-contamination when we make baked goods with nuts, for anyone allergic.

I hear the bells chime just as I’m sliding the pans into the ovens to bake for the next half hour. “Just a second, I’ll be right with you,” I call out to the customer.

“No rush, take your time,” a sexy deep voice calls out, and I know immediately that it’s Nathan.

“Hello again,” I greet him as I approach the counter.

“Harper.” He smirks. “So, the bakery, huh?” He flashes me a smile, and the dimples that bracket his lips bring me back to when we were in high school and how I’d sit in class and daydream about him.

“Yep,” I confirm like an idiot. I shake off the nerves his presence causes and straighten my spine slightly. “I took it over from my parents about eight years ago after my mom suffered a stroke. She wasn’t able to run it anymore, and Dad had to become her full-time caregiver. It was either I take over, or we close it down. I’d always planned to take over one day; I just never thought it’d be when I was twenty-one.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your mom; how is she now?” he asks, and I can tell he’s actually interested in what I have to say.

“Things are okay, not great, but not bad. We’ve all adjusted to her new normal. It was pretty stressful for the first year or two. She’s still partially paralyzed, which causes her to be pretty dependent on everyone else. We finally got approval from the insurance to help cover the cost of a health aide so that Dad has some help, since I can’t be there and here at the same time.”

“Wow, I can’t believe that you have to fight to get that covered.”

“Yeah.” I sigh, just thinking about those early days has my blood pressure rising. “Can I get you something?” I ask, changing the subject as I point toward one of the display cases filled with treats.

“What is that amazing smell?” he asks as the smell of the brownies starts to fill the bakery.

“Just our famous fudge brownies,” I tell him. I glance at my watch and the timer I set on it. I also have one set back on the oven, but I like to set the one on my watch in case I get busy and am not in the back when it goes off. “They’ll be out of the oven in about twenty more minutes, but will need to cool for at least ten minutes before I can cut and serve them,” I tell him.

“Still your grandmother’s recipe?” he asks, and I can practically see him salivating over her brownies from our childhood.

“Of course. Why change something that isn’t broken?”

“Then I’ll take a coffee to hold me over until they are ready,” he states.

“What size?” I ask as I move to the coffee station.

“A large will be great, thanks,” he says, and I grab the cup and fill it up.

“One large coffee,” I state as I hand it over. “Have a seat, and I’ll let you know when the brownies are ready.”

“Do you have a few minutes? We can catch up while they bake?” He motions over his shoulder to one of the small two-person tables.

There isn’t anyone else in here right now, and the ovens are full. I have a couple of cakes to make, but as long as I get them baked this afternoon, I’ll be fine.

“I guess I can sit down for a few minutes,” I agree. I grab my tumbler with ice water and follow him to the table. I can’t help but watch his ass as he turns around. It is encased in his dark jeans perfectly. He’s sure filled out since high school.

“So,” he says, a tad bit awkward, and it makes me smile. Brings me back to high school, once again.

“So,” I parrot. “How’s California?” I ask.

At the same time, Nathan asks, “Are you married? Sorry, go ahead.”

“How’s California?” I repeat the question.

“So very different than here.” He chuckles.

“I can only imagine,” I reply. I’ve always wanted to travel, but time and money haven’t been on my side.