“Babe, that is the fourth time you’ve yawned in the past few minutes, why don’t you go to bed and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Okay,” she agrees. “Good night.”

“Night,” I say before ending the call. I pull up my email and shoot the message off about her flights. I want those set up and ready as soon as possible. She might have been joking about a countdown until we get to see each other again, but she isn’t wrong. I’ve got a week to go until I’ve got my girl in my arms, and I can’t wait.



The past weekhas flown by. I’ve spent most days balancing training my two new employees, Nicole and Tracy. They’ve each picked up everything fairly easy, not that it is hard. Plate or box up the items people want, or grab their special order from the rack and ring them up. Clean up the tables as people clear out, wash, rinse, repeat.

The moment of truth has finally arrived. My dad is picking me up in about five minutes to take me to the airport. I still can’t believe my first time on an airplane is on a private jet. I only know what to expect from what I’ve seen on TV shows and movies, so I’m excited to experience it for myself.

“Ready to go, sweetheart?” Dad asks as I open the door before he can even make it up the steps.

“Yep!” I tell him, stepping outside with my suitcase in hand. I stop and lock up, then follow him to his car. I place my suitcase in the backseat, along with my shoulder bag that holds my iPad, kindle, and everything else I wanted readily available on the flight. Nathan stressed that it didn’t matter what I packed, getting through security for a private flight was nothing like security for a commercial flight. He had me send him a list of what shampoo and conditioner I use so he could just buy some for me to keep at his place, since, as he said many times, he plans on me being there more than this one trip.

“Have a great time, we’ll keep everything going for you here,” Dad says.

“Thanks, Dad. Love you.”

“We love you, too, baby girl. You deserve this time away, now go enjoy yourself,” Dad says before getting back in his car and leaving me at the airport.

I head inside and check in at the small desk. They check my ID and then send me out a door to where the airplane is waiting for me. I walk up the stairs, entering the cabin, and can’t believe how nice it is in here.

“Ms. Taylor,” a middle-aged woman greets me. “I’m Taylor, and I’ll be your flight attendant today. Can I take your bag for you?” she offers, holding out a hand for it.

“Oh, sure. Thank you,” I reply, stammering a little over my words. “Nice name, I don’t think I’ll forget it.”

“Thank you, and likewise.” Taylor smiles before taking my bag. She tucks it away into an open luggage compartment, before turning back to me. “You can have a seat anywhere you like; would you care for something to drink or eat before we take off?” she asks.

“I’m good for now, thank you. I’ll admit, this is my first time ever flying, so I’m a little overwhelmed.”

“Oh, sweetie. I’ll take good care of you. We’ve got some great pilots today, so find a place and I’ll be by with some snacks.”

“Thank you,” I state, going further into the plane. The front has two rows of what I’ve seen in movies as ‘first class’ style seats. Large, leather chairs that look like they can recline back. Past those, on the left, is a couch that backs against the windows, and on the right is two oversized seats, not quite the size of love seats, but definitely larger than the seats upfront. They face each other with a table between them. Back behind them is two doors, both closed.

I drop my bag on the oversized seat, and sit down next to it, opening the window shade so that I can watch as we take off. I hear my phone ringing from my bag, so I quickly find it and answer Nathan’s call.

“Hello, you didn’t tell me how amazing this plane is,” I state before he can say anything.

He laughs into the phone. “So I take it you’ve made it on board.”

“I have, just took my seat.”

“Is Taylor treating you well?” he asks.

“She’s been super nice so far, but I just got on a couple minutes ago.”

“She’s one of the best, if you need anything, just ask her for it and she should be able to help you. If you aren’t feeling well, they’ve got medicine, or you can lay down and nap. The plane is stocked with pillows and blankets.”

“You’ve thought about almost everything,” I comment.

“Leo and I have spent many hours on that jet, it needs to be well stocked and ready for us if we need to hop on it to go to a meeting.”

“Taylor is heading my way; I think they’re ready for us to go, as she just shut the door.”

“Sounds good, babe. I’ll meet you at the airport in just over five hours.”