I open the fridge, hoping to find something quick I can make for some breakfast, until I can get over to the bakery and have something Harper baked this morning. One of her cinnamon rolls is sounding really good right about now.

I don’t find much, so grab a banana from the counter and pull up a towing company to come get the truck. I’m going to have to figure out what’s going on with the old truck today. Thankfully, the driver that comes to pick it up is willing to let me hop in as he takes it to the shop. Once I take care of talking to the mechanic, who promises to look it over this morning and call me once he’s diagnosed the issues, I take off on foot, easily walking the few blocks to the bakery. I walk in, finding the shop buzzing with business. Harper and Lacey are behind the counter, both helping customers, with four more in line behind them. I take my place at the end of the line and look around. The tables are mostly full of happy patrons who sip on coffee and fill up on perfectly baked pastries.

My turn is finally up, and it’s when Harper first notices me. “Hi,” she says, her sultry voice causing my dick to swell in my jeans.

“Hi, yourself.” I smile at her. “How’s your day going?”

“Good. I was a little tired when I first got here. Someone wore me out last night,” she says, thankfully low enough that only I could hear her.

“Lucky bastard.” I smirk.

“What can I get you this morning?” she asks as the bells above the door chime. I look over my shoulder to see a group of people leaving, just as another enters, one of them being my grandmother.

“I’ll take one of those cinnamon rolls and the largest coffee that you have.”

“Would you like it warmed up?” she offers.

“That’d be great,” I tell her, handing her some cash.

“Nathan, this is way more than the cost of a cinnamon roll and coffee.”

“I’d like to pay for anything they order, as well,” I tell her, nodding to my grandmother’s group of friends.

“Gotcha.” Harper winks at me and turns to warm my cinnamon roll up.

“Morning, G-Ma,” I greet her once she approaches.

“Fancy meeting you here this morning.” She smirks up at me as I lower down to kiss her cheek.

“Ladies.” I greet her posse of friends. Nothing but a bunch of gossiping grandmothers is what they are. “Your baked goods and coffee have been paid for already,” I tell the group of women.

“Such a fine young man you are, Nathan.” One of them steps up and says, “I have a granddaughter your age that would be just perfect for you. What do you say, I can set up a dinner date for the two of you tonight?” My eyes flick to Harper, who is back at the counter and overhearing everything that is being said.

“Thank you for the offer, but I’m already seeing someone.”

“Well, that’s a shame. I hope she’s good enough for you,” she says, and I can see the way Harper flinches.

“She’s perfect. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” I tell the woman, but never take my eyes from Harper. “The kindest, most selfless person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”

“Why haven’t you told me about this woman?” my grandmother asks, smacking my shoulder with her pocketbook.

“Because” I drawl, breaking my eye contact with Harper to look at my grandmother, “I just found her again.” I smirk, letting what I just said set in. My grandmother is a smart woman and catches on very quickly. She looks from me to Harper, who is now sporting a smile so big that no one will miss it, back to me.

“You’ve done good.” She pats my cheek. “Harper, dear, I’ll expect you at Sunday dinner this weekend. We’ve got plans to make.”

“Plans?” Harper questions, obviously not on the same page as my grandmother is.

“I got him back here, now it’s up to you to keep him. I need some great-grandbabies before I die,” she states mater-of-factly before accepting the plate from Lacey, with her coffee cake and cup of coffee, and walking off to an open table.

“What just happened?” Harper asks me once the group of women have all been served and taken a seat.

“That is my grandmother for you. But don’t worry, babe, she won’t let you forget about Sunday.” To hell with the counter, I walk around it, snake my arm around Harper’s waist and pull her in close. She smells like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. I crash my lips to hers; customers be damned.

“Get a room,” Lacey chuckles from next to us, effectively breaking us out of our moment.

“Not necessary,” I tell her as I back away from Harper. I walk around the counter, gathering my cinnamon roll and coffee, and find a small table I can claim as my own to enjoy my breakfast.

Just as I’m finishing the cinnamon-filled goodness, my cell rings with a local number. I answer it, finding the mechanic on the other line. He relays the issues he found and assures me he can get them fixed today, so I give him the approval to do so.