They both nodded, and Arteisma said, “I like Jessy. She’s funny.”
“Well, Seff is her friend, so if Jessy trusts him, then I trust him, too. Besides that, all I know is...”He’s mine.I almost laughed at the thought. “All I know is he and Decker showed up just when we needed them most.”
Arteisma folded her little arms and scowled. “Is Decker gonna be all bossy again?”
“Probably.” I curled my lip and wrinkled my nose. Arteisma smiled. “That’s what brothers do.” I sat back on my knees and straightened their covers. “I promise, we’ll talk in the morning, but for now, you need to sleep.” I pressed the fingers of both my hands to my lips and blew kisses. The twins did the same for me.
I stood and walked the few steps to the spiral staircase before turning back to gaze at the two little females I wished were mine.
“I love you both so much.”
“We love you too,” Arteisma said around a yawn.
Nereida looked at me and nodded before closing her eyes.
“Ineed a moment.”
Those few words were the last I’d said for quite some time.
Seff had nodded and given me my moment.
All my moments.
He sat with me and held my hand while I did little more than breathe.
While Seff had gone out and collected his clothing and a small duffle bag, I’d tucked Arteisma and Nereida into their beds and made a promise I didn’t remember but was sure they’d remind me of in the morning. I’d pulled on a pair of faded jeans, a bulky sweater, and a pair of thick socks. I’d had every intention of showing Seff where I had laid all the members of my pack, but I’d needed a moment.
For the last few hours, I’d sat silently on the futon, lost to a searing pain I had no words to describe.
The thoughts swirling through my mind were cloudy, murky. Nothing I wanted to look at too closely. I was lightheaded and dizzy, as if the only thing tethering me was the warm, rough male hand in mine.
I’d never felt this way before, so...empty...and so complete.
I’d lost almost everyone I’d ever known. A painful gaping wound sat where my heart should have been. But...some other...force...pushed hard to fill the void. A strange, unbelievable joy competed with an overwhelming sadness, and I was caught in the middle doing my best to not feel anything.
There was too much I needed to do. Falling apart, allowing my grief to take hold of me, I didn’t have the time. I had to stay strong for the twins. Stay strong for myself.
I glanced at the large masculine hand intertwined with mine. The calluses on his palm were rough against my palm. In contrast, the inside of his forearm, with its trails of thick veins, felt like satin-covered iron.
The temptation to lead Seff to my bedroom was great. I would love to lie in his muscular arms, to kiss his lips, to forget for a few hours what I had done and what I would need to deal with later in the morning.
But that was so wrong.