The seconds ticked by. I refused to look away.

I felt him give in before he actually blinked.

“You and Daelyn are the only wolves to beat me in a stare-down.” A slight smile curved his lips. He leaned over me, his face suddenly serious. “If whatever he’s going through gets to be too much, I’m not waiting for your permission.”

“If it gets to be too much, I’ll be past the point of giving permission.”

A strange alert tone came over Brenin’s phone. Worry lines wrinkled his brows as he glanced at the message.

“Decker is close, isn’t he?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t have felt what he was going through as intensely if I were still up on Beartooth.”

Brenin shoved his phone in his back pocket. “You’re not gonna believe this.”

“What happened?” Seff and I said at the same time.

“Everyone’s headed out to Dad’s market. Someone tripped the silent alarm.”


Brenin switched offthe headlights before parking beneath a giant, old oak tree just off the side of the road. Rain collected on the leaves and slid off in big, fat drops that pinged loudly on the hood of the SUV.

I’d mentally prepared after the incident at the airport. I still felt whatever my brother was going through, but it was much less intense. Seff’s nearness, his calm and loving presence, also helped to soothe and steady my emotions.

Seff helped me from the backseat and closed the door behind me. Lifting his nose to the wind, he inhaled two deep breaths. “That’s him, the rogue.” Another deep breath then, a hard sigh. “Ah, hell.” He looked at me, his head tilting as his dark brows bunched up between his eyes. “You were right, darlin’. Decker’s in there with him.”

I shook my head as tears filled my eyes and slid down my cheeks.

“Oh, darlin’.” Seff wrapped me in his arms and pressed his warm lips to my temple. “Ain’t gonna lie. There’s no way to soften this for you. Deck’s chances of getting outta there alive are slim to none.”

“I know.”

The rain added to the pounding in my ears as a mad rush of frustration and anger filled my veins. Decker would die because another wolf sought revenge for something my brother had no part in.

And I couldn't save him.

Inside, my wolf half thrashed and roared as the sheer hopelessness set in. Even with all Decker had done, and not done as he should have, he was my only brother, and I still loved him.

Brenin’s low voice came from the side. “He has a hostage. Decker Draydon... Yeah...”

I glanced over to see Brenin with a phone to his ear, hanging his head, nodding silently.

“We will be there soon.” He tapped the phone and set it inside the SUV. “My dad’s waiting for us.” His eyes locked on mine. “Desarae—”