Soft, warm lips tracedkisses across my shoulder and gently pulled me out of sleep. Damp strands of Seff’s long hair tickled over my skin as his mouth moved down the middle of my back. The scent of sweet, smoky wood soap lay on his skin and hair. I had closed my eyes for what I’d thought was only a minute or two but must have been much longer. Seff had used my post-lovemaking nap to leave the bed, wash up, and come back.
Smiling, I whispered, “Eleven.”
His mouth paused at the small of my back. The curve of his lips and his warm breath tickled my skin.
“Gotta fix that.”
He moved up over me. His sharp teeth lightly pinched my shoulder blade. My own canines tingled as the wolf inside me shivered in anticipation.
“Fix what?”
“At least make it an even dozen.”
“Oh,” I sighed as heat flashed through me. My skin tightened, every tiny hair standing on end as his breath whispered over me. A renewed aching throb swelled deep in my abdomen and moved down between my legs—a delicious echo of every beautiful orgasm Seff had already given me. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”
Earlier, after he’d gently teased out my sixth climax, I’d looked him in the eye and asked, “Is this how it’s supposed to be?”
I didn’t need to feel his emotions through our bond. I saw everything conveyed through his dark eyes—the moment of confusion, then the spike of anger that melted away into sadness and replaced by love.
“You better believe it, and so much more.”
And I wanted more. So much more.
My wolf had whispered her demand—mate me. Hard. Bite me. Deep. Hold me. Forever.
With his entire body suspended over mine, he leaned in and pressed me into the mattress.
He nuzzled my ear with his nose and whispered, “Spread your legs for me.”
A sudden terrifying panic lit my veins, causing my breath to freeze in my lungs. Tucking my arms beneath me, I braced myself.
Not like this. Not like this.
“Desarae?” Seff’s arm came around my waist, and he stared down at the side of my face. “What’s wrong? Are you hurtin’ somewhere?”
My whole body trembled. I inhaled on a gasp as if I’d been held underwater and suddenly let up for air. I turned my head to face him. His dark eyes narrowed as he clenched his teeth.
“What’s going on? Is it Deck?”
I shook my head wildly. “No, no, not Deck. I just...” I took another gasping breath. “Give me a moment.” Inhaling again, I shuddered and fought to control my breathing.