“Holy fuck, slow down, darlin’.” He grabbed my wrist. In a swift move, he pinned my hand above my head.
I didn’t fight him. In fact, I moved my other hand above my head and looked him in the eye.
“Make me,” I challenged.
The dark look he gave me and the sudden blazing wave of pure desire coming from him through our bond made me shiver uncontrollably.
Through a ragged breath, I whispered, “Make me go slow.”
His fingers wrapped loosely around both my wrists. He stared down at me, jaw tight, and ground out one word. “Tighter?”
I tugged a little in his loose hold. It wasn’t enough. “Yes, tighter.”
He blinked and sucked in a hissing breath between his teeth. “Des—”
“You won’t hurt me.”
The strangest sensation swept through me as he tightened his grip. My skin tingled with awareness as the muscles I would’ve used to fight or flee loosened and relaxed. Instead of going on alert, my wolf retreated, thoroughly enjoying the mild restraint. There would be no fighting mysakana.
I moaned. “Yes, Seff, make me...just...like...that.”
He put weight into his hold as he moved to the side. I watched as his dark, hungry eyes roamed up and down my naked body and settled on my face.
“Damn, Des, you’re so gorgeous. I wanna put my mouth all over you, but I don’t know where to start first.”
I grinned as heat spread in my cheeks and down my neck.
I shook my head to disagree, but he wouldn’t have that either.
“And don’t you go sayin’ you’re not gorgeous because you so fucking are. I don’t mean just what you look like on the outside, either. I mean, you’re seriously sweet and way too kind. You love your family, love your—ourtwins like there’s no tomorrow. You’re brave and fierce, and don’t let me get away with shit. But you let me protect you and defend you and believe in me.” He shook his head as his face softened. “Damn, I can’t...I don’t have the words to tell you how I see you deep down inside. If I tried, I’d fail. And outside, gods, do you know how beautiful you are?” His gaze moved as he spoke, “Your eyes—so bright—like a clear turquoise sky. Your face—your smile—the way you curl your lips when you’re makin’ a face at the twins or me. Just so fucking cute.” The thumb helping to secure my wrists stroked over my skin. “Even your hands. So...” He shook his head. “Elegant.”
He sighed. A slight shudder went through my body as his warm breath ruffled my hair.
His eyes shifted back to my face. A big grin creased his cheeks. “Your whole luscious body makes me want to mate the hell outta you.” He traced a finger along my tattoo, over my collarbone to circle one breast. “Gonna taste this sweetness first.”
His mouth, warm and wet, closed over my nipple. My back bowed up off the mattress at the first hot tug. I gasped as his teeth scraped my soft flesh and caused a sharp zing of pleasure to rush through my veins and burst between my legs.
“Oh...gods...”I never knew. I’d never felt... Till never...
Seff hummed as he flicked his tongue over my sensitive nipple. His lips tickled lightly as he spoke, “I swear I can feel what you feel, like an echo in my chest and...”
He scraped his teeth over me one more time, then closed his mouth over my nipple again and sucked hard.
“Seff...” I moaned as my flesh broke out in hot tingles all over. Something tightened, swelled, and expanded down in my core—like a bubble waiting to burst.
“Holy...gods. I felt that down low in my gut.” His head came up, his eyes—smoldering—and sly—like he’d formed a plan and couldn’t wait to put it into action. His other hand slipped between my legs, his long fingers sliding through the wetness there. He groaned again.
Each slow petting stroke made me gasp and moan and plead. “Do that again, please. It’s so...incredible.”
He pressed his forehead to mine. “Oh yeah.”
Something happened to me. Something I’d never experienced before. And I didn’t want it to stop. Ever.
“Kiss me, Seff. Kiss me like there’s no tomorrow.”
His lips were on mine, pressing softly, as though holding back a voracious hunger he was afraid to unleash. I wanted that hungry side of him. I wanted him to hold me down and devour me.