A knife went through Blaine’s heart. “Yeah, what was that about? Her laughing like that?”

“She’s not worth my time,” Tam said. “I’m not going to waste a moment worrying about what Alex Alloy thinks about me.”

Blaine normally wouldn’t either, but something seethed under his skin. What was so unbelievable about him and Tam being together?

He pushed Alex and her reaction to his relationship Tam out of his mind. Tam was right; Alex wasn’t worth his time, and he shouldn’t waste a moment worrying about what she thought.


“I’m sorry, Tam,” Blaine said. He stood next to her truck with her, his head bent down. “I—you have to get back to work.” He looked up and their eyes met. “Can I bring dinner by tonight?”

“I’m going to my parents’, remember? It’s their anniversary.”

“Is Chris going with Cara?”

“I don’t know,” Tam said. She wasn’t sure if she wanted Blaine to come or not. He’d met her parents plenty of times over the years, obviously. They knew she was dating him. She’d thought she knew how serious they were getting, but the scene in the jewelry store had rocked her a little bit.

She could still hear Alex’s incredulous laughter, and while she’d told Blaine she wasn’t going to waste a moment caring what Alex thought about her, she hadn’t actually been able to get to that point yet.

She refused to look to the right to see the shop. “Stacy will be there. It could be…ugly.”

Blaine nodded. “Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“That’s probably best.” She put her hand on his chest and slid it up until her fingers curled around the back of his neck. “Tell me what you’re doing the rest of the day.”

He sighed, but he put one hand on her waist, and things started to settle in Tam’s mind. They were fine; they were okay. It didn’t matter if Alex didn’t believe they were a couple or that she wouldn’t sell Blaine an engagement ring. She wasn’t the only jeweler in town. She wasn’t a jeweler at all.

“I’m going to go with Trey over to Beth’s,” he said. “Her hand is healing up real well, but she still needs a lot of help.”

“How are things going with them?”

“Uh, he doesn’t really say,” Blaine said. “From what I can tell, they’re either slow or just friends.”

“He hasn’t taken her to dinner?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” Blaine said.

“What are you doing tonight?” She really wanted to hear him say he wasn’t going to keep looking into this situation with Alex. She knew Blaine, though, and when his curiosity took over, he could become obsessed about something. Or someone.

She really didn’t want him obsessing over his ex-fiancée. Hadn’t he been upset with her for doing the same thing?

Tam still thought about Hayes from time to time. She did want him to know he hadn’t beaten her or broken her. The best way to do that would be to get engaged, but Blaine wasn’t asking.

It’s your fault, she thought.You work so much in the fall.

“Probably gonna go hang out with Olli and Spur,” Blaine said. “They’re hosting a movie night in Olli’s back yard.”

“That sounds fun.” Tam leaned into Blaine, glad when he held her close. “I’d rather do that than deal with Stacy and her negativity.”

“Come by when you’re done,” he said, dipping his head to kiss her. Thankfully, this time he kept the kiss chaste. He kissed her the way she’d expect him to in a parking lot.

Embarrassment heated her face as she thought about the way he’d kissed her in that jewelry store. He’d wanted to prove to Alex the exact same thing he’d been upset with her about proving to Hayes.

“Tam?” he asked.


“I don’t want a long engagement.”