The Winters clearly had money too, as did most of the guests Tam saw before the ceremony began. She stood with everyone else, her breath catching in her throat. This whole affair was simply beautiful, and Tam’s emotions clogged in her throat as she watched Spur walk down the aisle at the head of a long line of men.

He wore a tuxedo, his tie exactly right and his cowboy hat the most delicious thing Tam had ever seen. She hoped Blaine would wear a hat like that when they got married.

She sucked in a breath, realizing what she’d just thought. Now that the marriage idea had gotten in, though, she couldn’t get it out.

Behind Spur came his father, and then Cayden, then Trey, then Blaine. Tam didn’t see who came after him, though she knew they were going in age-order. Her eyes locked onto him, and he glided with all the grace of a ballerina, his cowboy hat pretty darn perfect, his suit the color of the midnight sky on a moonless night, and the smile he kicked in her direction made of pure flirtation.

Tam grinned back and waited with bated breath for the bride to arrive. Her family came next, and they filled the front rows. The bridal party came next, each woman wearing a dress in a gauzy, peachy color that didn’t seem gaudy or forced. Ginny had probably picked those, and they managed to complement each woman’s shape and size.

Finally, Olli appeared on her father’s arm, and Tam couldn’t help the gasp and then the sigh that came from her mouth.

She half-turned to Ginny’s mother. “That’s an Eden Phillips dress.”

“It’s fantastic for her, isn’t it?” she asked. “She’s so beautiful.”

“She really is,” Tam said, and she watched Olivia Hudson step carefully from paver to paver, pure joy radiating from her. She joined Spur at the altar, and Tam sat down. She kept her back straight, because she didn’t want to miss anything.

She wanted to take notes and get a live video of every single detail of this wedding. She wanted to pick it all apart and pull out the pieces she liked for her own wedding. She’d never considered Bluegrass Ranch as a possible wedding venue, but now that she’d seen how a back yard could be transformed into a wonderland, she’d definitely be adding it to her list the moment she got home.

* * *

A couple of hours later,Spur and Olli had said I-do, a beautiful and delicious dinner had been served by real waitstaff, and she currently stood in Blaine’s arms, dancing.

Pure happiness flowed through her, and while she and Blaine weren’t talking, they were still saying plenty. His fingers moved up and down her upper arm, and she had her arms wrapped around him inside his suit coat jacket, her pinky fingers caught through the belt loop on his waist.

“Tam?” he whispered.

“Hmm?” She didn’t lift her head from his chest, because this moment was perfect, and she wanted to hold onto it for a while.

“I’m ready to go.” He stopped swaying, forcing her to look up at him. “Can I take you home now?”

“All right,” she said, though she didn’t want to go home yet. “I just need my shoes.” She looked around for them, but the heels had disappeared.

“I gave them to…someone.” He turned too, searching.

“It’s fine,” she said. “I don’t really like them anyway.”

“We have to walk back up to the house,” he said.

“Maybe you can carry me,” she teased, giggling when he looked at her with surprise. “It’s fine, Blaine. It’s practically paved.”

The dinner and dancing had been in front of the house, near the road that ran around the ranch, under three of the largest tents Tam had ever seen.

“I’m sure someone will find them,” Blaine said.

“It’s okay if they don’t,” Tam said, taking her first step onto the dirt road.

They moved away from the party, the music muting the farther they went. The soft light from the tents got left behind, and Tam took a deep breath of the clean air.

“I love Kentucky,” she said.

“Me too,” Blaine said. He drew her closer to him by taking her hand and tugging her into his side. He paused and Tam slowed her steps too. “Tam, I’m falling in love with you.”

Everything stopped as Tam processed what he’d said.

He reached for her, cradling her face in both of his hands. “I’m dying to kiss you.”

“I’ve been dying for you to kiss me,” she whispered, her eyes drifting closed.