* * *

Later that night,after all the handshakes and goodbyes, Spur loosened his tie and sat down on Olli’s couch. She’d kicked off those sexy heels and gone into the kitchen to get them something to drink. She joined him on the couch, offering him a bottled iced tea. She tucked her legs under her and faced him, sitting sideways on the couch.

He looked at her, and she looked at him, and everything that was a little cracked between them mended. “How do you feel?” he asked.

“Good,” she said, her voice a touch high. “They said I’d know by midweek.”

Spur nodded, because he’d been standing right there when Frank had said it. He twisted the cap on his tea, satisfied with the resulting pop! as the lid released.

“How do you feel?” Olli asked, supporting her head with one hand while the fingers on her other went up his forearm.

“Like the luckiest man in the world,” he said.

She smiled at him. “Why’s that?”

“Because I got to spend the afternoon with the sexiest, smartest woman I’ve ever met. She forgave me for acting irrationally, and I’m sitting on her couch, hoping to kiss her.” He grinned at her and took a drink of his tea.

“You always give better answers than me,” she said, and she sounded mildly annoyed by it too.

“You can fix that,” he said.


“Tell me how you feel.” He looked at her and refused to let her look somewhere else.

“Like the luckiest woman in the world.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because there’s this really great man, who smells amazing, and always looks amazing, and he’s got these amazing hands.”

Spur chuckled and shook his head. “Enough with the amazing.”

“I pushed him away, but he wouldn’t go. He came back, and he apologized when I was the one who acted irrationally and took things just a little too far.”

Spur looked at his iced tea bottle then.

“He loves me, and he wants what’s best for me. He’s strong, and smart, and literally the best kisser on the planet.”

“Wow, he really does sound amazing,” Spur said quietly.

Olli exhaled and snuggled into Spur’s side. “I realized I don’t need another date at Six Stars to fall in love with him. I’m already there.”

Spur smiled and closed his eyes, hanging onto those words and committing them to memory.

“I’m sorry, Spur. Thank you for coming today.”

He leaned forward and put his bottle on the coffee table in front of them. Then he took hers and set it next to his. Their eyes met, and Spur reached out with one of his amazing hands, wondering what she liked about it so much. He cradled her face in his palm, enjoying the way she leaned into his touch.

“I love you, Olli.”

“I love you too, Spur.”

He kissed her, and kissing Olli really was a life-changing experience that Spur couldn’t define with words. He didn’t need to hear more; he could feel how Olli felt about him in every stroke of her mouth against his.