
Rule #5:


I don’t really have a fifth rule, she sent. If you do, feel free to add it.

She saw the delivered status next to the texts change to read in a blink of an eye, and her heartbeat shot to the top of her head.

He started typing, and Tam smiled though she wished she wouldn’t. “You can’t romanticize everything he does,” she told herself.

Dinner at 6:30 is great.

I don’t need any rules, Tam, he said next, and she sat up in bed, reading the text over and over.

Especially not #3.

Her mouth turned dry, and she blinked, her vision turning white. When she could see again, the text was still there.

She fumbled her phone trying to get it to make a call, and she ended up bobbling it, then hitting it with her knuckles as she tried to grab it. It flew away from her, hit the wall, and then landed with a terrible cracking sound against the floor.

“No,” she said, disturbing her dogs as she went after it. She picked up the phone and found the screen splintering right before her eyes. She tried to tap, and nothing happened.

“Great.” She knelt on the floor, her ruined phone in her hands, and looked up and the ceiling. “Is this a sign or something? Why can’t I be with Blaine Chappell?”

In her mind, the two of them were so good together, and she’d be happy for the rest of her life with him at her side.

Tam stared at her phone, the screen bright but obviously not doing anything. It was too late to go to the cell phone store tonight.

“Tomorrow,” Tam said, because she wasn’t one to just roll over and give up. She couldn’t respond to Blaine, and she drove herself toward being completely crazy as she imagined the fun, flirty texts she and Blaine could’ve exchanged all night.

Her fantasies ran wild until she finally drifted into unconsciousness.