Olli had never been kissed by a man like Spur. He didn’t rush, though her pulse was frantic in her chest. He held her right where he wanted her, and she almost wanted those hands to wander a little bit. Hers did, up the sides of his face and into his hair. Down his neck to those beautiful shoulders.

He took his time, and Olli had no idea how long had passed before he finally broke their connection. She felt like he’d kissed her so completely that she’d never have need to kiss another man again.

She swayed on her feet, her eyes still closed, and Spur hung onto her hips, saying, “Whoa, there, Olli.”

She opened her eyes then and met his. The moment between them felt tense, and a good laugh would break that ice. Olli didn’t feel like laughing though. Her eyes dropped to his mouth again, and she tipped up onto her toes to touch her lips to his one more time.

This kiss didn’t last nearly as long, and Olli pulled away first. “I really don’t have anything for dinner,” she said.

“I said I can order in,” he said quietly. He made no move to get his phone out. “What do you want?”

“I don’t know.” She pressed her forehead to his collarbone, thinking maybe she should just get out a frozen pizza and call it good. Irritation ran through her that she couldn’t seem to have one normal, romantic date with Spur. “My cat literally never comes out when people are here,” she said. “Not even me.”

“The call of the fish must’ve been too strong for him.” Spur grinned at her and finally removed one hand from her waist to get his phone. “What about pasta and salad?” He looked at her, his eyebrows up.

“Sure,” she said. “As long as it’s from Wild Bikini.”

He chuckled and tapped. “They’re here. Thirty-seven minutes for delivery. That okay?” He looked to her for permission again, and Olli gave it.

“I want the diablo sauce with all the veggies over spaghetti.”

“Okay,” he said, his face taking on an air of concentration as he put in their order. “Olives?”

“Yes,” she said.

He tapped a few more times and looked up. “It’s on its way.” He looked around her house, and Olli had wondered how long it would take him to realized she was burning her Get Your Man candles.

Turned out that Spur was ultra-observant. She knew the moment he saw the flames flickering from no less than four candles, and he swallowed as he looked back at her.

“Only seven seconds,” she said. “I think you get bonus points for that.”

“Seven seconds for what?” he asked.

“To notice I’ve got all the candles burning.”

Another swallow, which Olli found so cute. “Yeah,” he said. “I see that.”

She tried to step past him, but he hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him again. “What can I use my bonus points for?”

Olli looked up at him, liking the sparkle of flirtation in his eyes. “You seem to make up what you want to use them for, Mister Chappell,” she said. “You tell me.”

“I was thinking maybe a little of this.” He dipped his head and ran his lips along her neck.

“Yeah,” she said, breathless. “That’s going to cost you a lot of points.”

He chuckled and stepped back. “I’ll stop then. I don’t want to use all my points up tonight.”

Heat ran through Olli from head to toe, but she managed to step over to the counter—her original destination. “Are you willing to be my sniffer until the food gets here?” She picked up the cologne cards she’d been working on for the past several days.

“Yep,” he said, loosening that tie around his neck. “Let me get set up.” He rolled his shoulders like he was going to be lifting some serious weights, and Olli giggled at him. He could make denim look like a million bucks, and she wondered how he did that.

He bent and picked up his cowboy hat from the floor, then did a few more toe-touches before he sat on the barstool and faced her. “Ready.”

“You’re adorable,” she said, unable to wipe the smile from her face.

Spur scoffed. “No man wants to be called adorable. I hope that’s not one of your scents.”