“What’s the cross street?” Stone asked, and Chapman told him.

He said, “Now get some cover. They might be watching the street.”

She crossed over and entered an alley. She looked back at the four-story brick building. “It looks abandoned,” she said into her cell phone.

“Stay put and keep watch,” said Stone. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

In nine minutes Stone joined her in the alley. “I’ve got Knox and Finn approaching from the other side,” he told her. He glanced at the building. “Seen anything else?”

“Figure at a window on the third floor. Didn’t look like Ming. But I couldn’t be sure.”

Stone studied the area and wondered why Friedman would have chosen this spot to hide. Certainly parts of the South Bronx offered lots of space that no one else was using. Still, it was an odd choice, thought Stone. But he was coming to realize that Marisa Friedman was far more complex than he had originally believed. And he had thought she was quite talented to begin with.

He gazed southeast toward the East River where more than a few bodies had been dumped over the years. To the west was the Harlem River, beyond that upper Manhattan and beyond that the Hudson River where Interstate 95 connected the city with New Jersey to the south and New England to the north.

“What’s the plan?” asked Chapman.

“We sit on the place and observe.”

“How long?”

“As long as it takes for us to figure out what they’ve got, who’s there and how we get to them at minimal risk to ourselves.”

“How about we call in NYPD and/or the FBI?”

Stone glanced back at her. “When you insisted on coming I took it for granted that you were going to follow my lead.”

“I will, to a limit. We need to do everything possible to ensure that Friedman gets back alive, to stand trial.”

“You said you were going to have a hard time not pulling the trigger.”

“I only said that to make you feel better. I’ll have no problem with it. She’s not worth screwing my life over. But the question is, can you stop yourself from pulling it?”

“If I have to, yes.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I seriously doubt the woman will walk out with her hands up so she can be tried, convicted and executed for treason. If she tries to harm anyone of my team I’ll do my best to kill her. I’m assuming you feel the same way.”

“How much weapons training does she have?”

“I checked her file. She’s got plenty. And all top of the grade performance-wise. Close-quarters and long-range.”

“And here I was thinking she was just a pretty face.”

Stone snagged her shoulder. “This is serious stuff, Chapman. No time for anything but your best game face. So cut out the wisecracks.”

She pulled herself free from his grip. “I’ll let my performance speak for itself. How about that?”

Stone looked away and took up surveillance on the building again.

A few minutes later he received a call from Finn. “In position. No activity back here. Two entry points. One center and one east of center. Appears to be locked and would assume watched. They might have a portable surveillance system in place too. At least I would if I were them and had picked an area like this to hole up in.”

“I agree with that, Harry,” said Stone. “Is Knox there?”

“Affirmative. What do you want us to do?”

“Let’s sit on the place and see what we can see. When we hit it, I want it to be as clean as possible. Any chance on getting the interior plan for this building?”

“Already downloaded it onto my phone.”

“How so fast?” asked a surprised Stone.

“Got a buddy in the city planning office. We served together in the navy.”

“Give me the layout.”

Finn did so.

“Lot of problem areas,” noted Stone.

“Agreed. Once we gain entry. That’ll be the hard part. Unobserved, I mean.”

“Keep watching. Report back every thirty.”

Stone ended the call and turned his gaze back to the old brick structure.

Chapman stirred behind him. “What if someone notices us in this alley?”

“Then we move.”

“I’ve never been to New York before. It’s not as glamorous as I heard.”

“That’s Manhattan, to the west over there. That’s the land of the rich and famous. The Bronx is a different experience. Some cool places and some not so cool places.”

“So I take it you’ve been here before?”

Stone nodded.

“Business or pleasure?”

“I’ve never traveled for pleasure.”

“So what’d you do when you were up here last?”

Stone didn’t even attempt to answer her query. And from her look, it was clear Chapman didn’t really expect a response.

Yet in his mind’s eye it was decades ago and Stone pulled the trigger on his custom sniper rifle, ending the life of another enemy of the United States as he walked across the street with his mistress toward the luxury hotel where they were going to have sex. His downfall had been ordering the execution of two CIA personnel in Poland. Stone had put a shot through the right eyeball at the stroke of eleven p.m. from a distance of nine hundred yards on elevated ground with a breeze from the north that had given him a few anxious moments. The mistress hadn’t even known what happened until her dead lover hit the pavement. The NYPD and local FBI, tipped off to what was going down, had never attempted to solve the case. That’s just how it was done back then. Hell, thought Stone, maybe that was how it was still done.

He refocused on the brick building even as his index finger curved around an imaginary trigger.


SIX HOURS LATER STONE AND CHAPMAN had moved to an empty building across the street. Filthy mattresses and dirty syringes signaled this for a “prick palace” for addicts, although it didn’t look like anyone had been there in a while. They’d entered through a rear door and settled themselves in for however long this would take. Stone opened his rucksack and handed Chapman a bottle of water, an apple and a hunk of hard bread.

“You know how to show a girl a good time, I’ll give you that,” was her only comment as she started in on her “meal.”

A bit later Stone’s attention was engaged when the front door of the building opposite them opened and Ming and another man came out, walked down the street and turned left. He immediately relayed this to Finn.

“You want me to follow them?” Finn asked.

“No. At this hour of the night they’re probably going for something to eat. They’ve been in there all day. You think you can get a peek inside one of the windows? If our intel is right, there should be ten others in there plus Friedman. But I’d like to get a more accurate head count.”

“The place is mostly dark, but I’ve got a Gen Four NV scope with me.”

“Be careful, Harry. These guys know what they’re doing.”