“Why? Do you have something to hide?”

Donohue looked nervous and said, “Of course not.”

“I found out you’re leaving the Park Service. Why is that? I thought being a girl from the big outdoors that it would be the perfect career for you.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve been thinking about it for a few months now. And after everything that happened, and Mr. Sykes being shot. It was just time.”

Stone inched closer to her. “So where’s your plane ticket to? A place that doesn’t have extradition with this country?”


“Let’s just c

ut to the endgame. Where are you running to? And how much did they pay you? They plunked a hundred thou in Sykes’s account. Did they match that amount for you?”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” exclaimed Donohue.

“So you won’t mind us taking a look around for it?”

“Yes, I do mind. Now get out.”

Stone ignored this and moved closer to her. “The call that Sykes got? What did they tell him to make him drive off like that? That they had one of his six grandchildren captive? That he was to contact no one or the child would be killed? That he was to drive to a certain place along a certain route. A route that would take him right in the sniper’s path? And then bang, no more George Sykes?”

“Get out or I’m calling the cops.”

“Sykes had nothing to do with any of this,” said Stone. “The money in a secret account? Set up and planted. Easy to do. The conversation you told us you overheard between Sykes and Agent Gross? Never happened. But with Gross and Sykes dead there’s no one left to question it. But you did miss one thing. An obvious one.”

He looked Donohue up and down. “Would you like to hear what it is?”

Donohue’s lips started to tremble but she didn’t say anything.

“I’ll just go ahead and tell you. You see, we can verify things. About the arborist and the reasons for the hole being left unfilled? Why do I think we’ll find out that everything Sykes told the FBI was true? That the hole couldn’t be filled in yet for the reasons he stated? And why do I think if we dig as deep as the hole for the tree that we’re going find even bigger holes in your story?”

Donohue now looked wobbly on her feet.

Stone moved closer. “They blew a hole right through his head with a long-range rifle round.” He poked her forehead with his finger. “Right there.”

“Please stop.”

“And with Sykes dead the investigation had to swing back to you. The arborist would be contacted too and your lie would come out. But you expected to be long gone by then, didn’t you? Is that why you’re home early? Pack your life up and use forged docs they provided you. Gone before we know it.”

“All right, this is your last chance. Get out.” Donohue held up her phone like a weapon. “Or I’m calling the cops.”

Chapman took a step forward. “Keep in mind, Judy, that the people you’re working with have killed everyone who’s helped them. Why do you think you’ll be any different?” She glanced at the door. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were waiting outside for us to leave before they come in here and tidy up this loose end.”

Donohue looked like she might start sobbing. Regaining her composure, she snapped, “Last time, get out.”

Stone and Chapman left.

“What now?” asked Chapman.

“Part of me says we just flushed the quail, so let’s see where it takes us.”

“And your other part?”

“Worried that she’ll be dead before we can get her to tell the truth. Go ahead and pull out, let her think we’re leaving. I know she’s watching us from the window.”

Chapman started the car and drove off.

Stone had her stop at a spot far enough away but that still allowed them to see Donohue’s house. He pulled out his phone and called Ashburn. It took a couple of minutes of explanation and Stone nodded his head. “Make it as fast as you can.” He clicked off and put the phone away.

“Well?” asked Chapman.

“She’s getting the paperwork together to bring the lady in. If nothing else for her own protection.”

“What if she leaves the house?”

“We’re to stop her and hold her until the Bureau shows up.”

Chapman eased back in her seat but almost immediately jolted up.

Stone had seen it too.

Donohue had come out of her house. She was carrying a bag and she was in a hurry.

Stone said, “Quick, let’s get her before someone else does.”

By the time Chapman put the car in gear, Donohue had opened her truck door.

“Block her in,” ordered Stone.

“Got it.” Chapman punched the gas.

Their car was twenty-five feet from Donohue’s when she started her truck.

The explosion lifted her vehicle off the asphalt and the concussive wave emanating from the blast knocked Chapman’s car on its side. Both their heads bloodied from impacting with metal and glass from the car, Stone and Chapman lay unconscious, still strapped in their seat belts.


STONE WOKE. HIS MIND WAS FUZZY but his reason was slowly returning. He tried to sit up, but a hand held him back. He saw Agent Ashburn staring down at him.

“What?” he began.

“It’s okay. Just take it easy,” she said in a soothing voice.

Stone looked around. He was in a hospital room again. He started to close his eyes when they snapped open as he remembered.


“She’s going to be okay. A few bumps and bruises. Just like you.”

“Donohue’s dead,” he said in a low voice.

“Yes. You saw the bomb detonate?”

Stone nodded. “She was in the truck.”

“Any idea where the bomb came from?”

He touched his head and grimaced. “It was either already on her vehicle when she got home or else someone put it on there while we were in the house with her.”

“You saw no one?”

Stone shook his head slowly.

Ashburn eased down into a chair next to the bed. “I was surprised to get your phone call about Donohue. What pointed you in her direction?”

“A hunch.”

“About her?”

“Not necessarily. About refusing to be led around by the nose this time.”

“Meaning that’s what you think is happening?”

Stone sat up in the bed. “Meaning I think we’re being manipulated, yeah.”

“Any idea by whom?”

“Maybe closer to home than we’d like. Remember what Agent Gross said. Someone was watching him.”

“So what was Donohue’s angle? Was she the one involved with the tree and the bomb and not George Sykes?”

“I believe so. She tried to throw suspicion his way. Did you find anything at her place?”