Weaver nodded. “That’s right. Fuat takes everything very slowly. Wanted to move to D.C. Lot of prep time, build his network, and the next thing we know things are going to hell.”

“The incident in the park?” asked Chapman. “That’s him?”

“Undoubtedly,” said Weaver. “We think it was just a prelude to something much bigger.”

“And Friedman? What’s her role?” asked Stone.

“She’s one of our deep cover agents. A lobbyist and lawyer by day with a plethora of international clients, many of them fron

ts by our government and our allies. That allows her to travel widely. She sees and reports back. Her Middle Eastern language skills are spot-on. She spent many years there for the CIA and later in joint assignments with NIC. She has solid contacts in the region. She was a logical choice for the assignment with Fuat, to supplement what Adelphia was doing.”

“How do you explain that connection? Lobbyist and academic?”

“Easily enough. Friedman represents several organizations in the Middle East that have relationships with Turkekul. Officially they are working on a number of initiatives to strengthen trade relations between Pakistan and the U.S.”

“And the phone call she made while in the park?”

“To another agent who provided her cover when the FBI made inquiries,” answered Weaver.

“When did you begin to suspect Turkekul?” asked Chapman.

McElroy fidgeted with his tie. “Far too late, of course. He was quite good. Friedman suspected something first, and we followed up on those suspicions and confirmed them. And she did so at great personal risk to herself I might add.”

“But you’re saying he doesn’t know you suspect him?” said Stone.

“He is too wily an operative not to suspect. But we have given him no reason to really suspect, if you understand me. We have given him rope. We have covered for him on several occasions, as you are well aware.”

“What do you think his plan is?”

“Nanobot residue in a bomb?” said Weaver. “Scares the hell out of me, and it should you too. I know you talked with the president about something at Camp David. It was about that, wasn’t it?”

“Among other things. The president explained to me about the biological and chemical potential. But he didn’t really get into details. Can it also make the bomb more powerful, for example?”

McElroy said, “No, it’s still a traditional explosive. We believe it is simply a way to deliver biological and chemical weapons on a far more prodigious scale than ever possible before.”

“How can these nanobot things do that?” asked Chapman. “And keep in mind I basically failed science at university.”

McElroy nodded at Weaver. “I will leave the essentials to my colleague here.”

Weaver cleared his throat. “Nanobots are the next generation of nanorobotics. They occur at the molecular level and have a lot of potential uses, beneficial ones, including the delivery of drugs into the body. It’s thought that one day soon nanobots can be released into cancer patients and be programmed to attack and destroy cancer cells, leaving healthy cells unharmed. The possibilities are endless, really.”

“And the biological weapon delivery systems?” asked Stone. “A terrorist can put anthrax in a bomb right now. So why does this nanotechnology angle make it more dangerous?”

“At the molecular level anything is possible, Stone,” said Weaver with a trace of irritation. “You can basically build something one atom at a time, outside the normal configurations.”

“Meaning the normal configurations that we have systems set up to detect,” said Stone.

“Point well taken, Oliver,” said McElroy. “That really is the entire heart of the matter. Detection. If they can change it so we can’t ferret it out, that gives the other side an enormous advantage over us. In fact, an insurmountable one.”

“The other side? Meaning the Russians?” said Stone.

“How about the Chinese?” said Chapman. “They have more money than anyone. And their science is not too shabby.”

“The Kashtan submachine gun. And talking a weird language,” Stone reminded her. “Points at Moscow, not Beijing.”

“And we have very good reason to believe that the Chinese are not involved in this,” said McElroy. “Principally because they don’t have to resort to such tactics to be a superpower. Economically they already are. These days it’s not necessarily how large your military is, but how big your bank account is, and the Chinese wallet is fatter than anyone’s. The Russians, on the other hand, are not in the same position.”

“And the incident in the park was a way of testing the delivery system?” asked Chapman.

“We believe so, yes,” said Weaver. “The nanobots were scattered everywhere. There were no bio-or chemical weapons grafted or grown onto them. We’ve confirmed that. At least the ones we know about. But if there had been? Catastrophic.”

Chapman said slowly, “So the nanobots are a way to actually grow or build bio-or chemical weapons, at a microscopic level and in an undetectable configuration? Load them onto a bomb and set them off?”

“That’s right,” said McElroy. “And if done properly, conventional security forces would be powerless to stop them. So we’re hoping that Fuat makes a mistake and leads us to whomever he’s working with. And soon. It is not enough to arrest him. We need the others. And he’s the only source we have to get there.”

“We’re trying to get Friedman to put some pressure on him. Hence her meeting with him tonight. A meeting you guys almost blew to hell,” Weaver pointed out.

Ignoring this, Stone said, “How did Turkekul get hooked up with the Russians?”

“In your meeting with him he told you that he lived for a time in Afghanistan?” said McElroy.

“That’s right.”

“The timing of him being there was interesting.”

“Let me guess. Late seventies, early eighties. When the Russians were trying to destroy the Afghan freedom fighters?”

“That’s right. Fuat I’m sure on the surface pretended to be on the side of the Afghan freedom fighters.”

“But he was in the Russians’ back pocket,” said Stone.

“Of course we think that now,” said Weaver. “When he first approached us we thought he was shooting straight. If we knew his loyalties were with Moscow he’d be in jail right now. But we didn’t know.”

“So our discovery of the Russian gun in Pennsylvania didn’t come as a surprise?” said Stone.

“No, it was simply more confirmation of what we already knew,” replied Weaver.

“But why have a practice run in the park of all places?” said Chapman. “It allowed us to analyze the debris and discover these nano-things.”

“I believe it shows they have great confidence in their technology,” answered Weaver. “Arrogant bastards. The Cold War never really ended.”

“That may be their undoing, of course. At least we can hope that is the case,” noted McElroy. “At least it provided us with an opportunity to turn the tables.”

“So you think Turkekul was there to detonate the bomb remotely?” asked Stone. “After he left the park?”

“He was scheduled to meet with Friedman, that’s why they left together,” said McElroy.

“Which would have been nice to know before,” said Stone.

“Need to know, Stone,” growled Weaver.

“Right,” Stone snapped back. “I’m getting really tired of hearing that justification for keeping us in the dark.”

McElroy said, “To answer your question, Oliver, yes, we do think he remotely detonated it. The excuse of meeting with Friedman there was the perfect cover. She was very surprised when he didn’t initiate contact while she was sitting on the bench.”

Weaver focused on Stone and Chapman. “And what we don’t need are you two screwing all of this up.”

“If you had told us about it, we wouldn’t have come anywhere near it,” Stone said reasonably.

“You didn’t require reading in, until now. And I’m not thrilled about it. So from now on keep clear. Got it?”

McElroy rose, supporting himself with the tabletop. “I think they do indeed get it, Director.”

“One more question,” said Stone. The two men looked at him expectantly. “The president knows about the nanobot angle. But does he know that you suspect Turkekul is a traitor?”

McElroy and Weaver exchanged a quick glance.

“Are you keeping it from the president because you let a spy this