Page 10 of Overcoming the Beta

“Damn, seriously… virgin… those are scarce these days. You lucky son of a bitch.” The first man punches the second man in the arm, “wait so you haven’t gotten laid in three months?”

“I’ve gotten laid… I see her friend Melissa at least once a week.” The second man laughs.

“Yeah, me too. That ass of hers is too irresistible to pass up. So, I guess wedding bells are in your near future?” He finishes the last of his drink. These two remind me of frat boys back in college. They’re using women and tossing them aside like Kelsey, Zane, and I used to. They look to be in their late twenties. You’d think these two clowns would have outgrown their womanizing ways by now.

“Hell no. There are too many hot women around that I haven’t fucked yet.” The second man waves down the bartender.

“Man, do what our dads do. You keep the trophy wife at home and two or three chicks on the side.” The first man laughs, then orders another drink. They’ve learned to treat women this way from their fathers, great fucking role models they are. Anger builds up inside of me at this filthy conversation about Kate between these two pigs.

“My parents say she’s not the one, that her family is unknown in the circle, but I have a plan for that virginity of hers.” The first man says. Anger turns to rage and I ball my fists at my side. Kelsey is hearing the same conversation and is sensing the rage rise inside me. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

‘Calm down. This is not the place.’He mindlinks me. I know he’s right. Kate will never forgive me if I attack the frat boy. I need to play this cool.

“Is that a fucking engagement ring?” The second man laughs.

“Yeah, it’s just a cheap piece of glass. Just enough for her to believe we have a future together. Once I get what I want… she’ll wake up in an empty, blood-stained bed and I’ll be long gone.” The two men laugh and knuckle bump each other. Kelsey pulls me to a table in the corner where Sonia is waiting for us.

Just before we order our food, I see the frat boys leave the bar quickly. I’m assuming that they’re headed to the restaurant downstairs and Kate should walk through the doors at any moment. What feels like hours pass, then I see her. The world slows down as she moves gracefully in slow motion through the bar. She looks more mature and is even more beautiful than she was two and a half years ago. Damn, she’s filled out in all the right places. She’s wearing thigh-high boots, a black miniskirt, and a pink top. I have always loved her in pink. I’ll never forget seeing her on my eighteenth birthday, walking down the stairs in her pink floral dress. It was like she went from a little girl to a woman in a blink of an eye. Her sweet floral scent hit my nose before I saw her, and it was the most intoxicating smell ever. In that moment, I thought she might be my mate, and I confirmed it the moment she put the paracord bracelet on my wrist. I felt the sparks radiate off her fingertips on to my skin. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but she was only sixteen and too young. Looking at her now is a reminder of how badly I messed things up between us.

“Bro, don’t worry, frat boy isn’t asking her to marry him tonight. I’ll make sure of it.” Kelsey looks from his sister to me. I hope he’s right; I can’t lose her forever.

“Kelsey! You’re here?” Kate screams as she jumps into her brother’s arms. I can only hope she is as excited to see me, but I doubt it. Kelsey moves aside and I step up to her and our eyes meet for the first time in over two and a half years. I see pain in her eyes, but not hate, and I take that as a good sign. I rub her elbow and feel a light spark. This is conformation that the bond isn’t completely broken. She looks down at my hand and pulls away from my touch. I’m disappointed with the loss of contact, but I’m sure she felt the spark just like I did… which is why she pulled away. I watch her as she speaks to Kelsey and Sonia, ignoring me. She still feels something for me. It’s undeniable.

Frat boy comes over like a jealous pup trying to claim his toy from others. It pisses me off that he’s touching her. She is mine. I don’t see her reciprocate his actions, and that brings a smile to my face. Her body is stiff, and both her hands are gripping her glass like she’s afraid someone will come to steal it from her. I can’t help but to wonder if she is always like this with him. Or if it’s my presence, that’s making her act like this towards him. Kate never had a problem touching me in anyone’s presence. We would have been all over each other.

“Shots on me!” Kelsey shouts. So, this is his master plan. We know frat boys and we know they don’t turn free drinks down. He’s planning on getting frat boy so drunk he’ll be shitting himself. Classic Kelsey… fucking bravo, bro. I laugh in my head.

“Bro, I can’t go.” I look at Kelsey. “I can’t leave her.” We’re at the airport waiting for our flight home.

“Took you long enough.” Kelsey bends his Wall Street Journal down to look at me. “Go get your girl and try not to fuck it up any worse than it is.”

I race out of the terminal, not sure about my next move. All I know is that I need to get Kate alone so we can talk. I go straight to her apartment, but she is not there. It’s the middle of the day, so I figure she’s in class. I decide to check into a nearby hotel and wait for an opportunity to talk with her. I laugh at my nervousness about seeing and talking to her. Some male werewolves would just toss their mates over their shoulder and chain them to the bed until their mate listens to reason. Our culture can still be a little barbaric. I’m choosing the more gentlemanly approach. I want her to see that I have changed, that I can be soft and loving, the mate that worships the ground she walks on, the mate that she deserves.

It’s been three days that I have watched and waited for Kate to be alone, but she’s always with a female or two. Luckily, I haven’t seen frat boy at all. I hope we didn’t kill the poor bastard. In the diner by her apartment, I overhear two females talk about finals, and I’m guessing finals go for Kate too. I guess she and these other females are studying for tests.

It’s late. I’m waiting in the shadows for her to arrive home. I finally see her; her hands are full of bags and some sort of takeout. She walks in her building up the three flights of stairs, then into her apartment. I can see her window from the street. She doesn’t turn any lights on, but I can see candles flickering. I see another person with full arms struggle to unlock the outside door, so I offer to help him hold the door as we both make our way into the building. Following her scent up the stairs to her door, I stand there for a moment, not too sure if I should knock or what. I put I put my ear to the door and can hear water running. She must be drawing a bath. She loves a hot soak when she is extremely stressed out. I turn the knob… locked.

I make my way out of the building and look up to her second-floor apartment window. Then I see the balcony door that has curtains hanging out of it. I look around and see that the street is unusually quiet, so I seize the moment and scale the wall up to her balcony. Just as I thought, the door is unlocked. I slip in as quiet as a mouse, trying not to make a sound, and take a seat in a chair in the darkest corner of the living room. Finally, I hear her draining the water from the tub, then turn the shower on. Moments later she walks from the bathroom to the kitchen, and I’m disappointed that she is fully dressed in pj’s. She stops dead in her tracks and without moving; she calls me by name. I smile, knowing that my mate is still familiar with my scent.

I can tell my presence annoys her, but she’s not screaming or running from her apartment. She knows I won’t hurt her. I tell her we need to talk, but she doesn’t want to talk. She wants me to leave. I can’t leave, not without her hearing me out and remembering the bond we share. Then I see my faded mark on her neck. It’s a beautiful sight and something special just between her and I. I take my shirt off to show her mark to her. I know she is feeling the pull of the mate bond, the same as me. One second, she can’t take her eyes off me, the next second she is trying to escape.

She backs up against the wall, still fighting the pull. Her voice is strained, and tears fill her eyes. She’s afraid I’ll break her heart again, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I beg her for another chance, just one chance to prove my worth to her… to prove I can be the mate that she deserves. I close off any distance between us, pressing my body into hers, kissing her neck. Her breathing changes and she tilts her head to the side, giving me more room to run my lips and tongue along her skin. Her body responds to me and my touch. She is not fighting the pull but giving in to it.

We kiss passionately, as if our lives depend on it. I have missed the taste of her lips; and want to taste all of her. I remove her top, exposing her perfectly round breasts. My mouth teases her hard nipples. The smell of her arousal awakens my beast. To claim it as my own, I need to taste her sweet pussy. She gives me permission to taste her and bring her to a place of euphoric ecstasy. I drop to my knees and take her with my mouth. With every stroke of my tongue, I’m claiming her as mine and only mine. As she climbs higher and higher, she takes control riding and grinding her wet pussy onto my face. Her moves are rough and forceful, taking what I alone can give her. Pleasuring her only excites me more, and my cock is rock-hard. She explodes into a screaming orgasm; her body shakes as her juices cover my face. She continues to ride until she fully comes down from her climatic high. Fully sated, her body goes limp in my arms. I pick her up and carry her to bed and put her under the covers. I give my exhausted mate a sweet but lingering kiss and promise to be back tomorrow before leaving.

I spend the day rehearsing what I plan on saying to Kate. It has to be perfect. She needs to know that I’ve changed, that I’m no longer the womanizing asshole she knew before. That I plan on spending every day of my life worshiping the ground she walks on. I know that with my actions I abused… not physically, but mentally. With every woman I bedded, I caused my mate physical pain, pain that I can never imagine. I abused her trust with every lie I told her. After she caught me many times, I promised to be a better man. I let lust and greed control my mind, and it cost me something so special.Kate.I finish booking our flight in first-class for our trip home in two days and I pack up my overnight bag. I don’t plan on leaving my mate tonight or any night after that. On the way over to Kate’s, I pick up dinner from the little bistro around the corner and a bottle of wine from the neighborhood bodega. I’m so happy that I’m practically skipping because tonight is the night I plan to fix the damaged mate bond I destroyed years ago.

Standing at her apartment door, I can hear water running. Not wanting to bother her, I let myself in with her spare key I found in her apartment. I set my overnight bag just inside the door and close it. I set our dinner down on the small kitchen table and open the bottle of wine. Walking into the bathroom, I find my sexy mate soaking in the tub. She is such a beautiful sight. I pour her another glass of wine. It annoys her I keep getting into her apartment, but she isn’t running or screaming, so I feel like I’m still winning. I see that cheap piece of glass on her left hand. Hmmmm, she must have been with the frat boy today. Funny, I didn’t have heartburn today or any day since showing up here in New York.

She doesn’t seem like a woman who just got engaged. She should be thrilled and overjoyed. But she looks melancholy about the engagement. She tells me last night was a mistake and can never happen again, but her body tells a different story. She leans into me as I kneel next to the tub and freely exposes her breasts to me. I rush from the bathroom before lust can take over, telling her to hurry before dinner gets cold. I have so much I want to say to her.

She emerges from the bathroom in a light short dress. She sits on the couch and insists we talk, which is fine with me. I sit so close to her on the couch our legs touch. The energy between us picks up and the air around us buzzes. She breaks the connection by moving away from me, which causes me to laugh a little. Kate feels the bond too, and she is once again fighting it. She tells me she is marrying frat boy, which we both know is a lie. I could tell her what Kelsey and I overheard at the bar the night of her birthday party or that the ring on her hand is only a cheap piece of glass, but what good would it do? Would she believe me? It would turn me into a jealous villain in her eyes. I simply slide closer to her and run my fingers along the bare skin of her thighs. The haze of the mate bond swirls around us. I bring Kate in for a hungry kiss, and we are both overtaken by the haze of the mate bond.

Kate straddles my lap and attacks my lips with a dominating kiss, grinding her wet pussy into my hard cock. I pull down her dress, exposing her erect nipples. I take each nipple into my mouth while Kate moans my name. Hearing her say my name in ecstasy almost makes me cum in my pants.

“What the fuck, Kate, you fucking slut!” I hear the frat boy scream, followed by the sounds of shit hitting the floor. Hearing him insult my mate like that sends me into a rage. I rush to him and tell him to back off, then that fucker throws a punch. Kate quickly steps in between us, breaking up the fight before it got started. I laugh as I take notice of her body language. Her body is pressed into mine and she is pushing him away with her hands. He’s not amused when I point this out to him. He storms off when she admits she is afraid that I will kill him, and he won’t cause injury to me. Kate cries out for him, which breaks my heart, then turns to me and the words she says next will forever be etched in my mind.

“I ran away from my home because of you. I haven’t seen my family in over two years because of you. I ran away to free me from the chains that bind me to you. You broke my heart every time you stuck your dick into another woman. I gave you my life, my love, and my virginity. You were my world since I was fourteen. You caused me physical pain with every woman you screwed. I was suffering because of you. You made me promises you couldn’t keep. In the end, you couldn’t control your dick, so I rejected you and fled the fucking state, Ian. Now two... almost three years later, you waltz back into my life, confusing the shit out of me and flipping my world upside down. You need to go. I don’t want to see you anymore.”