Now and then, I glance at Ian and find that he is off in his own world. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was mindlinking someone. He looks gorgeous in his black tuxedo, and I feel like a princess in my floor length flowing ball gown. We appear to be the ideal couple; too bad I don’t feel the love between us.
After dinner, we go to the grand ballroom, which is elaborately decorated with black, gold, and orange flowers and accent pieces. Mom and Luna swoon over every detail of the ballroom’s décor. We have yet to see the royal family, but mom assures me they will make their grand entrance soon. Ian and I share a couple of slow dances while photographers capture the moment between the happy couples on the dance floor. Again, I catch death glares from Nikki that are making me uncomfortable.
Shortly after we exit the dance floor, cheering erupts from the back corner of the room, and chants of mate, mate, mate are heard. We watch the area, hoping to catch a glance at the newly mated couple, and soon realize that it is Zane.
“Nathaniel,” Luna Martha gasps out, grabbing her chest with tears in her eyes.
“Congratulations, you old dog. Now the race is on to see who will be a grandfather first.” My dad pats Alpha Nathaniel on the back and they both laugh.
I smile, watching Zane and his new mate. They already seem so in love. I look at Ian and his face is emotionless. What have I done wrong to deserve this cold treatment from him? After the cheers die down, Zane and his new mate along with her parents make their way to our table. Once again, I turn my fake smile back on.
“Alpha Nathaniel,” the large burly man takes Alpha Nathaniel’s hand, then pulls him in for a hug, “looks like we’re family now.”
“Alpha Maxwell, looks that way.” Alpha Nathaniel laughs as the two men exchange pleasantries.
We learn that Zane’s mate is a daughter of a small pack in Canada, and her name is Rebeka. She’s tall, slim, with porcelain skin, and long black hair. She’s so pretty and looks like a living doll. I try to get to know her, but Zane is being a little possessive of her, which my mom says is normal.
“Give him a little time. Soon you and Rebeka will have lunches and shopping trips together.” Mom whispers in my ear. I’m so happy for the two of them, yet a little jealous at the same time. Kelsey looks a bit annoyed. Maybe because he’s not mated yet and the last man standing.
The royal family finally makes their grand entrance, the king, queen, and their two sons. That’s funny, I thought they only had one son. Mom says we will make our way to their table shortly, but first we dance and pose for more pictures.How much longer do I have to be here?After we return from the dance floor, Ian stands and walks away without a word to me.
“Ian? Where are you going?” I call out, stopping him in his tracks. He slowly turns and walks back over to me.
“If it’s okay with you, I have to go to the restroom.” He snaps in my ear, “Are we done with the interrogation?” I nod my head and he walks away, leaving me sitting alone.
‘Ian,’I call through my mindlink, but his blocks are up. I find that more than odd. Ian said he was going to the restroom and would be right back. That was twenty minutes ago. The pain in my chest is back with a vengeance. This pain is the worst that I have ever felt.
‘Ian,’I call out again… still nothing.
“Kelsey?” I walk up to my brother, who is making out with some she-wolf sitting on his lap.
“What?” He snaps, “Can’t you see I’m a little busy?”
“Yeah… I see that. I’m looking for Ian. Have you seen him?” I grab my chest and take a deep breath as the pain intensifies.
“He stepped outside to get some fresh air.” Kelsey says, before waving me off.
“No wait, Kate.” Zane says while holding the hand of his new mate, “he’s… um… his father wanted to talk with him. Now that he and I have found our mates.” Zane stumbles over his words and my gut is telling me he is lying.
“Oh… that might explain why his blocks are up.” I smile, then turn and walk away. I take a few steps before I have to brace myself on a nearby table as the pain continues to intensify.
I’m not too sure why I feel like Zane is lying to me, but something deep inside the pit of my stomach says he is. My gut is telling me that Kelsey is telling me the truth about Ian going outside. I guess he’s too distracted by the whore on his lap to think quick. I wait a few seconds until I’m sure that both Kelsey and Zane are not paying attention to me, then I slip out the side door of the ballroom.
‘I don’t know what is going on, Sasha, but we need to find Ian.’I say to her in my mind.
‘It’s not good, Kate… he is up to no good. I can feel it.’She sighs out before I give her control of my human body to track down our lost mate.
Before too long, we are walking towards a garden shack about thirty yards from the palace. The pain is extremely intense, but Sasha can push the pain aside. As we get closer to the garden shack, we hear grunting from both a male and female, causing my heart to sink.
‘He’s in there,’Sasha cries. We both know what is going on behind the garden shack door, but I need to see it with my own eyes. I fling open the door and hit the light switch. The room illuminates up and I come face to face with my worst nightmare.
“What the fuck!” Ian shouts. The shock of the sudden bright lights causes him to close his eyes as he removes his dick from an all too familiar she-wolf’s mouth... Nikki. The pain instantly stops, but a new pain in my heart starts, as I realize he’s the cause of my pain for all these months.
“How could you?” I whisper as tears spill down my cheek. My entire body shakes, and my breathing becomes shallow as my chest heaves up and down with every breath. My heart races at the sight of the two of them together as bile rises in my throat.
Nikki stands, pulling her dress up covering her breasts followed by her panties, before wiping a white liquid from her chin.
“At least he fucked me this time. Do me a favor… wait a little longer next time so I can at least orgasm before he finishes in my mouth.” My body shakes at the vile words coming from her mouth. I know they were together before Ian and me. The pain that I’ve felt all these months tells me they never stopped sleeping with each other.