Despite what I did, what anyone thought, we made it. I look at the life we share, the life we created in my arms, and the one she is still carrying… I almost lost all of this. I’m so glad we made it. We might have taken the long route, but we got here, and I’m forever grateful for Kate and the chance that I didn’t deserve. After all this time, she is my one and only true love, the only one I want to kiss goodnight and wake up next to in the morning. As long as we have each other, we can overcome whatever life throws at us.
The End
**August 2004**
“Thisplaceisashit hole.” I say in disgust, looking around this tiny apartment that Kate lived in for over two years. “Why wouldn’t your father put his princess in a penthouse or something like that?” I watch the movers work packing up her belongings.
“My parents never visited her, or they would have had a fit. Kate loved the neighborhood, and the university is just a few blocks away. All this furniture is being donated; we’re only taking personal belongings.” Kelsey instructs the movers.
“What about all these books?” I walk up to the two bookcases in the living room.
“She will kill me if she loses her collection. They come with us.” Kelsey stands next to me.
“I didn’t realize she reads so much.” I thumb through the books.
“She always has.” Kelsey nods his head.
“What the hell is this? Warrior by Krys Strong?” I look at the cover of a half-naked man with tattoos.
“Kinda looks like you.” Kelsey laughs. “She is a fan of romance.” Curiosity gets the better of me and I read the back of the book.
“Werewolves?” I flip through the pages of the book. “The growl is so loud the room falls silent. Remove your hands from what is MINE before I remove them for you,” I read out loud. Kelsey and I stare at each other for a few moments before bursting out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. “This shit is so unbelievable. Who says things like that?” I toss the book into a box.
“Who the hell are you?” A man appears in the doorway with a bouquet of carnations.
“Ah, you must be the frat boy. What’s with the funeral flowers?” I laugh, wondering what the hell Kate ever saw in this loser. Ian is an eight or nine, this dork is a two… maybe a three on a good day.
“Oh, hey Darren, remember me? Kelsey, Kate’s older brother.” Kelsey, being ever so diplomatic, walks over to him.
“Yeah, I remember you. Last time I saw you, I was hung over for a week. Who’s he?” Frat boy points at me.
“Is that really important?” I look between him and Kelsey and sigh. “Fine. I’m Zane.” I cross my arms.
“Are you another one of Kate’s boyfriends?” Frat boy asks nervously.
“What, you think there’s a group of us pulling a train on her every night?” I snap. This little fucker is bugging the shit out of me.
“Bro!” Kelsey shouts and snaps his head at me.
“I’m her… cousin. Happy frat boy?” I roll my eyes.
“Kate!” Frat boy calls out towards the bedroom, then looks back at me. “Where’s Kate?” He asks suspiciously.
“That’s one room you’ve never gotten to see up close and personal, isn’t it?” I laugh, pointing at the bedroom door. “Kate is back home with her ma… man… Ian… fiancé. They’re in a fishing cabin right now, fucking each other’s brains out.” I say as a matter of fact. I’m having fun messing with this piece of shit.
“Bro! She’s my sister.” Kelsey snaps.
“Sorry, but I mean facts are facts, right?” I shrug my shoulders and lift my palms up.
“Still, you want me talking about one of your sisters like that?” Kelsey puts his hands on his hips.
“Alright, I get it.” I pause and think. “Kate is currently unavailable. She is locked away in a fishing cabin with her fiancé. He is taking care of business… handling a personal situation for Kate. Better bro?” I look at Kelsey.
“Fucking a… I need a beer.” Kelsey walks to the fridge.