Page 74 of Overcoming the Beta

**July 2004**


AfterIanandIspend more quality time alone in the cabin, I notify the house manager that we are done with the fishing cabin, and it needs to be cleaned. We walk into the busy dining hall at the packhouse hand in hand. We join our families for lunch with Alpha and Luna. It thrills everyone to see us both with fresh marks on our necks.

I squeal with excitement as Rebeka and Sonia both confirm they’re pregnant, and their due dates are just days apart. I smile, watching Zane, Kelsey, and Ian have their own reunion as Ian congratulates them both on the pups. It feels so good to smile and laugh with the most important people in my life.

“I know you said you were on the pill, but you stopped when the fever started. There’s still a chance the heat took.” Rebeka says as she rubs my belly as if she is willing a pup in there.

“Yeah. My cousin’s friend’s sister’s best friend stopped taking the pill and boom, pregnant two weeks later. I think it took too.” Sonia nods her head then joins Rebeka in rubbing my belly.

“Why are you both rubbing my belly?” I laugh and look between the two of them.

“Because this is contagious.” Rebeka says, pointing at her belly.

“Can you imagine all of us being pregnant together?” Sonia squeals with excitement.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” I sigh, hoping that the heat took. Looking down, I place my hand on my belly and rub circles around it. Wondering if there is a life growing inside me. Ian places his hand on top of mine and gently squeezes.

“There is a life in there. Don’t ask me how I know, but I just do. I love you both so much.” Ian whispers in my ear, then kisses my neck.

Looking around this table at the smiling faces of the most important people in my life, my heart overflows with love. I honestly never thought that I’d be back here, sitting next to Ian as his mate. Everything that Ian and I have been through was absolute hell, and I don’t wish it on my enemies. Ian’s indiscretions broke us, like a shattered ceramic vase. His desire to change… to be a better man, has pieced us back together. And like a ceramic vase that has been pieced back together, we are whole again. Even though we are whole, we are not without imperfections and scars. Together, we are perfectly imperfect, and that’s what will make our love unique. I admire how he has learned from his mistakes and grown so much in a short amount of time. Even when I was reluctant to give him a last chance, he never gave up on us. I’m so glad he didn’t, because look at everything I’d be missing out on right now.

After a long, lingering lunch, the six of us head to the gym and training grounds. The guys want to get some training in, and us girls want to get some cardio in together before Rebeka and Sonia are too big and pregnant.

“We’re just going to be upstairs for an hour. Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Ian pulls me into his chest.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve been here a million times by myself. How about you, Mr. Cling?” I laugh and wrinkle my nose at him.

“I’m sweating bullets over here,” Ian wipes his forehead and we both laugh.

“Come on, big guy, the first time is the toughest.” Kelsey laughs, pulling him away from me.

Rebeka, Sonia, and I do more talking and laughing than cardio, but I don’t care. I’m just enjoying being with the two of them, without needing to distract each other from not knowing where our mates are or if they will make it home safe. There’s something comforting in knowing that our men are just upstairs training. After an hour, we spot the guys lifting weights and decide ogling some eye candy is much better than cardio and head for our mates.

We take a seat on the floor a few feet from the guys and continue chatting amongst ourselves, while each of our mates flex and pose for us. In between the chatter and laughter I hear a familiar high-pitched, nails on the chalkboard voice that causes my heart to race. Nikki.

“I mean, it looks like everything has worked out.” Nikki says to the woman sitting next to her.

I could go a lifetime without hearing her voice or seeing her obnoxious face. I don’t put all the blame on her for what went down between Ian and me, but she definitely played a role in it all. The worst part is that she has no remorse for what she did to me. Quite the opposite. She enjoyed tormenting me.

‘It was Nikki who said I was in Vegas, wasn’t it?’Ian mindlinks me.

‘Yes… I overheard a phone conversation she was having with Dante about being on a boys’ trip to Vegas.’I mindlink and look up at him.

‘Bitch! She knew exactly what she was doing. I’ll have a word with Dante about his mate.’Ian mindlinks. The weights make a loud crash as he frustratingly drops them on the floor.

‘No, don’t. I won’t let her get to me anymore. Now get back to your workout and pay me no attention.’I mindlink and smile.

“Ya know, if she would have just asked how to please him. I mean she knew our history, why not just ask how he is in bed?” Nikki says loud enough for everyone to hear. Is she trying to get my attention?Why?Rebeka and Sonia get awkwardly quiet and watch me.

“I’m going to go to the restroom.” I pat Sonia on the leg and smile at Rebeka. They both nod and smile.

“Hey, I’ll be right back. I need some air.”I mindlink Ian before standing and walking away. As I pass Nikki and her friend, she speaks to me.

“Oh hey, Kate. I didn’t see you there. Nice mark.” Nikki’s voice sends shivers down my spine as she and her friend laugh.

Hearing them laugh at my expense makes my blood boil and stops me in my tracks. I slowly turn towards her. As rage flows through my veins like a poison, I can feel heat rising throughout my body. I feel like something in me has finally had enough and snapped. I’m sure she thinks I’ll run, just like I used to when it came to confrontation. Not this time. All the years of torment, animosity, resentment, irritation, bitterness, and raw emotions boil just below the surface. Every ill feeling I have pushed down and suppressed over the years erupts within me in a violent explosion of fury and rage.