Page 37 of Overcoming the Beta

“That’s nothing,” Rebeka scoffs. “That’s probably a quarter that was at mine and Zane’s wedding.”

“Yeah, Kelsey told me how chaotic it was. That’s why he asked his dad to have the press releases scaled back. I’m so thankful for that.” Sonia turns to me in the backseat and smiles.

“Mom told me it was insane. Did reporters climb the wall behind the chapel?” I look at Rebeka.

“Yes! They wanted a sneak peek at my dress. One even tried sneaking into the bridal suite. Warriors had to rush from our territory to protect us.” Rebeka shakes her head, thinking back. The SUV pulls behind the white chapel to the bridal suite.

“Dad said he tripled security out of an abundance of caution.” I say as warriors open the SUV doors for us. We step out of the SUV and I see warriors in their classic black suits and dark sunglasses positioned everywhere. “I should have been here,” I place my hand on Rebeka’s forearm.

“Yes, you should have been, and I wish you were. We lost so much time that you and I could have been bonding as future luna and beta female. But you’re here now.” She offers me a warm smile and puts her hand on top of mine. “That’s the most important thing… you’re here now.”

We’re escorted into the bridal suite where hair and makeup artists are set up and waiting on us. I’m also excited to see trays of tea sandwiches, fresh fruit, and wine chilling on ice. My mom instructs us to stay in this area and not to venture to the front. They want to keep us out of the sight of the paparazzi. Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of media speculation about the dress and designer. Everyone wants a sneak peek before the official pictures are given to the media. Honestly, staying hidden away is fine with me. I brought a book and am wearing comfy clothes until it’s my turn to get dolled up and dressed.

Sonia and I are the first to get our hair and makeup done. Mine is quick compared to Sonia. She’ll probably be in the chair for hours. Just like our dresses, she lets us choose how we want our hair and makeup done. She is probably the most low-key bride in the history of brides. I choose a smokey eye with neutral tone makeup and nude lipstick. I know Ian has never been a fan of wild color lipstick, and I’m more of a clear lip gloss kind of girl, anyway. This will make him happy, and he’ll think I’m doing it just for him.Wait, why do I care what he thinks?For my hair I go with half up and half down with large bouncing curls. This is perfect hair in case I choose to take a nap. That’s a hair trick I learned from my mom. Always opt for large bouncing curls. They’re far more forgiving than sleek straight hair.

When my hair and makeup are done, and I get a thumbs up from mom, I fill a plate with tea sandwiches and fresh fruit. I grab my book and head out to the courtyard that is attached to the bridal suite. The chapel surrounds the courtyard and two ten-foot walls with a massive oak tree in the center. Under the tree are a couple of benches. I choose the bench that faces away from the bridal suite and chapel. My view is literally a vine covered white brick wall. Which is fine with me. I don’t want any unnecessary distractions from my book that I’ve been trying to read since Ian showed up in New York.

I stretch my legs out on the bench and make myself comfortable. Opening my book, I take a bite of a cucumber tea sandwich, and just like in New York, my mind drifts to Ian. I think about him and wonder what he is doing right now. Hopefully, he’s sleeping, but I doubt it. He’s most likely working out. I think about the way I treated him when he got back from his mission, and debate whether or not I should call him.Why does he consume my thoughts like this?Frustrated that I can’t concentrate on this book long enough to get pulled into, I close it and eat my food in silence. I chew my food slowly and stare at the vine-covered wall, just thinking.

“Hey bitch, move so I can sit down too.” A familiar female’s voice shouts behind me. I turn to see a very pregnant Jessi waddling her way to me with a huge smile plastered on her face.

My food flies off my lap, landing on the ground as I jump to my feet and run to the arms of my childhood best friend. The two of us embrace, just squeezing each other tight. I think she missed me as much as I missed her.

“Let me look at you.” I pull away and take her in. She is still the same beautiful Jessi, only now she has a pregnancy glow about her. “What are you doing here?”

“Ian. Can we please sit? My chankles are killing me.” She looks down and laughs.

“Oh gosh, yes, of course.” I say as we walk arm in arm to the bench. She sits down and breathes out heavily. “Better?”

“Getting there. You know that I’m due any second. Do you think you can deliver a pup?” She pulls back and tilts her head to the side before laughing.

“Sweetheart?” I turn to see a massive man with jet black hair walking towards us carrying something in his arms.

“Here babe,” she waves without looking at him. “He’s right on time,” she whispers to me. He quickly approaches and puts a stool in front of Jessi, then places a pillow on top before carefully picking up each foot and placing them on the pillow. I watch his rough looking hands delicately touch and rub her feet. I see the love in his rugged sun kissed face as he smiles tenderly while whispering sweet nothings to Jessi. A ping of jealousy hits my chest watching the two of them interact with each other.This is the kind of love that I want.

“How’s that, sweetheart?” He caresses her jaw.

“Perfect as always,” Jessi swoons and leans into his hand. He presses his lips to hers before directing a caring smile my way.

“Hello, you must be Kate, Ian’s mate. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you from Jessi and Ian. My name is Adam, and if you hadn’t guessed it yet, I’m Jessi’s mate.” He extends his hand to me.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Adam. I’ve also heard really great things about you from Jessi.” I shake his hand and smile at Jessi. “You’ve been taking good care of her. Thank you.”

“Of course, she’s my everything. I waited thirty years to find her, and I want her to know every day exactly what she means to me.” Adam’s smile turns somber as he looks at the ground for a few moments before looking back at me. “Kate, I meant nothing by that. Please accept my apologies.”

“What?” I tilt my head, trying to figure out what he meant. After a few moments, I realize he knows about the history between Ian and me. “No… no. I didn’t take it like that at all. No need to apologize.” I shake my head. “But you can always go explain to Ian how a mate should be treated.” I laugh, trying to ease the tension.

“Thank you,” relief washes across Adam’s face as he lets out a breath, “and I have spoken to Ian about you… in great detail.” He leans in and winks. “I guess you can say I took him under my wing when he came back to the palace alone for combat training. I may have knocked him around the ring a time or four in your honor.” He smiles, chuckling lightly, shaking his head.

“My Adam is a palace warrior and will be a guard to the new king; his primary duty is hand to hand combat training in human form.” Jessi beams with pride as she talks about Adam. Who isthisJessi and where is my fiery childhood friend, the one who wanted to taste life before meeting her mate and settling down?

“Palace warrior and guard to the king? Wow, what an honor and tremendous responsibility.” I smile and look between Jessi and Adam. The royal warriors are the best of the best. There is a grueling test to becoming one and most don’t make the cut. It’s an absolute honor to not only be a part of the royal warriors but chosen to be a guard to the new king and training. This is impressive.

“Well, I come from a long line of them. I guess you can say it’s in my blood, and now this one, too.” He rubs Jessi’s swollen belly.

“Don’t wake him. He’s been using my rib cage as a trampoline lately.” Jessi giggles and stops Adam from rubbing her belly. I enjoy, yet I’m envious of the interactions between the two of them.

“Yes, dear,” he kisses her forehead and removes his hand.