Page 30 of Overcoming the Beta

“Your mind,” Sasha whispers.

“My mind? Then who are you?” I ask.

“Your wolf,” she cries.

“What? Where are you?” I call out, desperate to meet her.

“I’m hurt and scared. I’m early and have been trying to come out all day, but something kept stopping me.” She cries. My stomach drops, the over counter pain pills and my prescribed medicine kept her from contacting me today. “The full moon is pulling me… It hurts. I need mate.”

“I’m sorry Sasha. I’m hurting and scared, too. We don’t have a mate.” I close my eyes and put my head down.

“Yes, we do. He’s close.” She whispers.

“Kate. It’s me, angel.” I open my eyes to see Ian’s gorgeous face.

“Ian, you came.” I whisper.

“Yes, angel, I’m here.” He leans down and shows me his million-dollar smile. But his eyes are full of fear and pain. He supports my neck with one hand and rubs my jaw with the other. Tingles and sparks radiate, and suddenly I’m hit with his fresh citrus smell.

“Mate,” I smile and whisper before another wave of muscle cramping pain hits me. I scream as my entire body goes stiff and contorts. Ian grunts and breathes as if he is in pain, too.

“Kate!” I hear my mom shout and cry just before my world fades into darkness again.

Chapter sixteen

First Shift

**February 2001**


I’mnottoosurehow long I’ve been asleep, but I wake up in Ian’s arms. My head and back are pulled up on Ian’s lap. He is rocking me, playing with my hair, and humming.

“Gamma Earnest, get your mate home. Kate doesn’t need to hear her mother cry for her. She needs calm. Everyone go! I will stay and keep watch as she shifts for the first time. There’s nothing anyone can do for her; she needs her mate. I will let you know.” I hear Luna Martha say with authority.

“Hello, my angel.” Ian says as my eyes flutter open. Hearing footsteps, I turn my head to see who’s approaching.

“Hello Kate,” Luna Martha kneels next to me. “It’s Luna Martha, sweet girl,” she sighs. “Honey, I know you’re scared and confused, but you’re shifting for the first time.” Her voice is soft as she gently rubs my cheek with the back of her fingers. “I’m sure you’ve heard that first shifts are painful. Unfortunately, yours will be excruciating, just like mine was. My first shift fell on a full moon too and my wolf was pulled and forced out before she was ready… just like yours. Luckily for you, your mate is here to help keep you calm, making it a little more bearable.” Her hand moves from my face to Ian’s shoulder, then back to my face. “Your wolf is just as scared as you. Normally, first shifts can take hours. Yours will be relatively quick, because of the intense power of the moon.” She pauses before looking up. “Ian, I know this is scary and you’re not too sure what to do. Just let your instincts kick in. Alex will guide you. I will be right over there; in case you need me.” She pauses before standing and walking away.

“Angel, I’m here. You’ve got this.” Ian says before a wave of pain hits. I try to fight the pain away, but it quickly overcomes my body. Every muscle tenses up and I contort and freeze. “Don’t fight it, angel. Breathe and relax.” Ian inhales deeply before exhaling. He rubs my face and continues to breathe in and out. I follow his lead and soon my muscles relax. “Good job. You’re doing so good, angel. I can’t wait to meet your wolf.” I smile, then I’m hit with another wave of pain. The pain is so intense I’m overcome by darkness. When I wake up, I’m still being rocked in Ian’s arms. Everything about him is different from the Ian I saw just a few hours ago. He is so kind and caring, just like he was when I first realized that I was in love with the boy next door.

I continue to be hit with pain, and Ian continues to keep me calm. He looks like he is in pain as well, but he puts my needs over his. I fade in and out of consciousness and I can feel my body is wet. I’m not too sure if it’s sweat or dew… maybe a combination of the two. My body trembles from being wet and cold. Noticing me shivering, Ian removes his blazer to cover me. I see he is wearing the paracord bracelet I made for him two years ago. I lift my hand and run my fingertips across the top.

“I wear it every day. It makes me feel close to you.” Ian smiles and covers my body with his jacket.

Another wave of pain hits. This is the most intense yet. The pain hits me wave after wave. Ian tries to comfort me, and I try to breathe. The pain pulsates through my body. My body contorts, and I can hear strange sounds coming from within me. It almost sounds like dishes being broken. The throbbing pain and cracking sounds are too much. Once again, I’m overcome by darkness.

“Open your eyes, angel.” Ian’s voice guides me from the darkness that I have become familiar with tonight. “Open your eyes.” I open my eyes and see the love in Ian’s eyes. “you’re so beautiful,” he whispers.

I move my neck to look down and feel a weird sensation, like I’m wrapped in a soft fur blanket. Looking down, I see a chocolate-colored furry leg and white paw where my arm and hand should be.I’ve shifted.

“You’ve shifted, Kate. Can you stand?” Ian asks. I try to move, but my body is a little stiff. “It’s okay, angel. You just went through a lot. Why don’t you rest?” Ian rubs his fingers through my fur, and I drift to sleep.

‘Hi Kate,’I hear a familiar woman’s voice. I open my eyes and am surrounded by white light.

‘Where am I?’I look around when I hear a giggle behind me. I turn around and come face to face with the most beautiful chocolate-colored wolf with white paws standing there. Her fur shimmers and shines in the white light.‘Sasha?’I rub my hands through her fur.

‘Yes,’she giggles.