Page 26 of Overcoming the Beta

“Oh, ok. Thank you very much.” I bow my head and back away from her.

I make my way to Kate’s house and can see Kate’s bedroom light is the only light on in the house.

‘Kate…’I call out through our mindlink, but she doesn’t answer me back.‘Kate…. Kate.’I repeatedly try, but still no answer.Something feels off.Checking the front door… locked. I walk around the house looking for an unlocked window or something. There is a nagging feeling that I need to get to Kate. Luckily for me, the back door is slightly cracked. I walk through the kitchen to the living room and stand at the bottom of the staircase, debating whether or not I should walk up the stairs.

“Kate!” I shout from the bottom of the stairs… no reply. “Kate! It’s Ian. Answer me or I’m coming up there.” I wait and listen, but nothing. “Fine, you forced my hand.” I take a deep breath and slowly make my way up the stairs.

I walk down the hall to her room; her scent is light. Her bedroom door is open, but I still knock before walking in. The dress she wore to the party is lying on her bed, but she is not here. I turn around and check the bathroom that she and Kelsey shared as pups. Again, I find the door open, and there is some water in the tub’s bottom, but no Kate. I step into the bathroom and slip in a puddle of water. I hang on tight to the bathroom sink to keep from falling to the ground like a newborn baby giraffe. Looking around, the entire bathroom floor is covered in water, almost like she was dragged out of the tub.What the fuck?

I walk back downstairs, looking around the house again for her. The nagging feeling turns into panic and worry that sets up in the pit of my gut. I’m not too sure what to do. Part of me wants to call for help, but the other part wants to find her myself. I walk out the back door and onto the gravel path just outside her home. I look at my watch. It’s just after midnight and the full moon is high in the sky. I hear howls throughout the territory, as many are shifting and running. Suddenly, I’m hit with the most excruciating pain that starts in my chest and radiates through my entire body. The pain is so intense that I drop to the ground, letting out a whimper and cry. I lay on the ground for a few minutes, trying to catch my breath, then another wave of pain hits and every muscle in my body tenses up. I can’t move. My body is frozen in place. It’s like I have rickets or something like that. Soon the pain releases a bit and I’m finally able to get back up to my feet. Alex cries in my head. He repeats mate over and over in my head.Kate.This pain is from her… I’m feeling her pain.Is someone hurting her?I need to find her, and fast.

‘Zane… I need your help, bro. Meet me at Kate’s place. Hurry,’I mindlink before another wave of pain hits and I drop to my knees. I’m not too sure how long I’m on the ground before Zane’s shoes come into sight.

“Bro, what’s going on? You okay?” Zane helps me off the ground.

“I came looking for Kate. I can’t find her,” I say through a heavy breath, “and I keep getting hit with these fucking horrible waves of pain. Zane, this pain is from her… I just know it. She’s in trouble.” I shake my head, trying to stay calm in between the waves of pain. “This feels like her body is sending me an SOS call.” Looking at Zane, I can tell he’s mindlinking someone. My guess, his father.

Another wave of pain hits and I groan as I hit the ground. Once again, my muscles stiffen up and my body contorts before I’m frozen in place. Soon I see several sets of shoes quickly approaching.

“Ian, honey, what happened?” My mom drops to her knees next to me.

“Kate,” I say through the pain, “I… need… to find… Kate.” My body finally relaxes enough, and my father helps me to my feet.

“Ian, look at me.” Luna Martha holds my face between her hands. “I need you to concentrate. Do not allow the pain to overcome you again. Kate’s wolf is calling out to you. Allow your wolf to track her. To do that, you’ll need to block the pain out. Can you do that for your mate?” I nod, almost too weak to speak.

I close my eyes and inhale as another wave of pain hits, then I exhale, and the pain is numb. It’s still there but numbed down enough for me to concentrate.

‘Alex, we need to find Kate.’I give him control of my human form. With him in control, all our senses are heightened, making it easier to locate her. Alex smells the air and listens. His head snaps to the left as he hears her faint cries. He takes off running to the tree line, leaving everyone else behind.

The closer we get to the tree line, the stronger her scent is.I’m coming Kate!As we step into the tree line, we see something laying on the forest floor.Kate.She is moaning in pain and wrapped only in a towel.What happened to her?Alex vows to kill anyone who hurt her before giving me back control. My heart races as I rush to her. The faster I run, the further away she seems to get. My legs are heavy like I’m running through mud.

It feels like I run for miles and miles before I finally reach her. Her eyes are closed, and she is moaning lightly. Alex cries a pain-filled howl for his mate. I drop to my knees next to her and inspect her for injuries. She has a couple of cuts and scrapes on her knees, legs, hands, and arms. Her face has dirt on it, and there is grass and leaves in her hair. She looks like she has fallen and crawled to the spot where I found her. I hear the others as they catch up to me. Kate’s mom cries out for her injured pup.

“Kate,” I brush the hair out of her face. “It’s me, angel,” I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand.

“Ian,” she mumbles, opening her eyes, “you came.”

“Yes, angel, I’m here.” I lean down to her, supporting her neck with one hand and rubbing her jaw with the other.

“Mate,” she whispers before screaming out in pain. Her entire body goes stiff in my arms as her muscles lock up.

“Kate!” Her mom shouts and cries behind me.

Chapter fourteen

Tunnel Of Lights

**February 2001**


“Wakeup,bitch!”Jessishouts as she jumps on my bed.

“Uhhhh. Go away!” I groan as I’m violently jerked away from my peaceful sleep.

“Get up! Get up! It’s time to get up!” The crazy she-wolf continues to use my bed like a trampoline.

“Who let you in my house?” I cover my head with my blanket.