Page 19 of Overcoming the Beta

“Oh… but I can, and I did. Turn around, big boy.” I laugh. Ian is used to getting his way and not losing. I can see the thoughts are swirling around in his head by the way his facial expressions change. He finally accepts defeat and snaps his body around. He’s sulking, which I think is hilarious. In the past, when he would sulk or get upset, I was the one who’d jump into action, doing whatever I needed to make him happy. Now? I simply don’t care; he can sulk all day if he wants to. The power I found within myself over the past two and a half years has given me the confidence to stand up to him, and I love the new me.

I quickly undress, folding up my clothes, and putting them at the base of a tree. Then I shift into my chocolate-colored wolf. I turn to see Alex, Ian’s wolf, looking at me.How long has that sneaky rat been watching me?The thought makes me giggle. Alex is a very large beige wolf; I think he might be bigger since the last time I saw him. I turn control over to Sasha, who is more than excited to see Alex.

Sasha cautiously saunters to Alex, showing off for him, but not allowing him to touch her. She sniffs him from head to rear, inspecting him to see where he’s been and who he’s been around. It wasn’t just me who was hurt by Ian’s actions, Sasha was hurt just as much as me. For months she whined and cried over her mate, and it was her who gave me courage to reject him. She couldn’t handle the pain it was causing the both of us, and together we decided being alone or dead would be better than what we were going through. Alex has to earn Sasha’s trust back in the same way Ian has to earn mine.

Pleased with the results of her inspection. she nudges her head under Alex’s jaw. She rubs her head into him as if she is marking him with her scent. Happy, Alex closes his eyes and makes a low growl that almost comes out like a purr. She missed him so much.

Soon, she pulls back and nips playfully at his face. She lowers her front half to the ground, keeping her rear raised in the air with her tail wagging. Prepared to pounce. Alex readies himself, tilting his head with his legs stiff and tail pointed straight up in the air. There’s a few tense moments before she pounces, springing all four of her legs off him before taking off into the forest. Alex stumbles a little from her weight hitting him, but soon enough recovers.The race is on.

He chases after her. They race through the dark forest, jumping over rocks and fallen tree limbs, and ducking under low-lying branches. Sasha jigs and jogs, keeping Alex on high alert for what her next moves are. Then Sasha catches the scent of a rabbit, and the hunt is on. Alex takes the lead on the hunt; he’s doing his best to impress Sasha with his skills. Soon, Alex has the rabbit cornered and is moving in for the kill. Alex is completely focused on the rabbit; his body is tense and ready to pounce any second. Just as his back legs twitch, Sasha slaps his back legs out from underneath him, knocking him to the ground. The rabbit quickly makes its escape.

Alex jumps to his feet. Angry, he lets out a thunderous growl at Sasha. She simply looks at him with her tongue hanging out, tilting her head side to side, and laughing through their mindlink. Sasha is in a playful mood and a grumpy Alex will not spoil it, and to prove her point, she slaps his nose with her front paw. Alex stands stunned by her actions; she is not the same wolf she was two years ago. She turns and runs, leaving a confused Alex in her dust. Soon though, she can hear his paws hitting the forest floor, gaining ground on her. As she reaches the blanket where we had picnicked earlier, he tackles her to the ground.

Alex’s beige fur and Sasha’s chocolate-colored fur is all she can see as they roll and tumble. When the dust settles, Sasha shifts, giving me back control. Alex stands over me with his tail wagging as I open my eyes. I smile and rub his soft beige fur with my hands. I have missed him, too. He nudges his nose into my neck, causing me to close my eyes and giggle from his cold wet nose tickling my skin. Soft fur turns to naked flesh and the cold wet nose turns to Ian’s lips, kissing my neck.

“We’ve missed you both so much.” Ian whispers into my ear, sending a shock wave through my body straight to my core. “You and Sasha have changed so much. You’re both… stronger.”

I open my eyes, looking straight into Ian’s handsome face. He makes me feel like I used to; loved and safe. The look he is giving me makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world… like his one and only love. This is the boy I fell in love with all those years ago. I savor the moment while taking him in. I note the tiny lines on his forehead and a small scar just under his chin. How is it possible that he has gotten more handsome? I rub my fingers through his tousled hair. He licks his full lips and just like the sirens lure the sailors to their inevitable deaths, his lips lure me in.

Like waves on rocks, our lips crash into each other. Our kiss is not sweet or soft, it’s passionate and fiery. Emotions wash over my body as we deepen the kiss, both of us ravenous. I moan into his mouth as he massages my breasts. The tingles and sparks radiate off our skin, almost as strong as the past. The mate bond seems to be mending. I run my nails down his back and he groans from both pleasure and pain. I’m enjoying his hands and mouth on me as he kisses his way down my neck. His hard member presses into my belly, snapping me out of the mate bond haze. Suddenly, I remember that I’m not ready to simply forgive and forget… that I need time.

“Ian… wait,” I push his shoulders back.

“What… what’s wrong?” He’s breathing heavy.

“I’m not ready… yet.” I breathe out and bite my bottom lip. Half afraid that I’ll make him angry for stopping him. He pauses for a long moment, contemplating his next move. I know he can smell my arousal as well as I can feel his hard member. My body wants him, there’s no doubt about that, but my brain needs time to trust him again. I need to trust him before I give him my body. I need to know what he tells me is real and not just a manipulative mind game.

“Ok,” he smiles and nods.

“Ok?” I question.

“Yes, ok,” He rubs my jaw with his thumb and looks at me lovingly. “I have the rest of my life to make love to you. We have a lot to work on and I have a lot to prove. We’ll take this as slow as you like. You are the love of my life, and I intend to move mountains to prove it.” He places a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Oh, Ian,” I softly say as tears roll down my cheek. This is new. The old Ian would have been furious for having to stop. He would have pouted until I gave in.Who is this man?“Thank you for understanding.”

“Anything for you, love.” He kisses me gently; his words are soft and sincere, causing a wave of relief to wash over me. If this is his true self, I can see myself falling madly in love with him all over again. “As much as I don’t want to, I’m going to have to get up. Skin to skin contact with you is keeping my dick hard.” We both laugh and get to our feet.

I forgot we were both naked from shifting after our run. It’s funny how quickly I’m shedding the taboo thoughts the human world has on nudity.

“Wait,” Ian pulls me into his arms, “thank you for today. Being with you is the most fun I’ve had in a very long time. Always remember that you are the love of my life, Kate. I love you.” He gives me a soft, sweet, and lingering kiss.

Chapter eleven

It Was All So Fast

**February 2001**


“Couldyoudriveanyfaster, Kelsey?” I question, annoyed that this trip home from school seems to take longer than usual.

“Relax, bro, we’re almost there. The party doesn’t start for another two hours.” Kelsey taps the steering wheel to the beat of the music on the radio.

The closer we get to our territory; the more my wolf, Alex grows restless. Today is Kate’s eighteenth birthday, the day she finds out she is my mate. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. A part of me wonders if she will accept or reject me. Although I’m pretty positive she’ll accept me, but there’s no telling what has happened over the last couple of years.

I’ve been away at college with Zane and Kelsey, and we haven’t come home for visits very often, like I promised Kate I would. I had every intention, but life turned into one big party. We found out quick that human girls would do anything to get our attention… and I mean anything. I came home from class one afternoon to find a naked sorority sister in my bed. The night before was her roommate. I’ve taken full advantage of the partying and girls at school before Kate turned eighteen… sowing my wild oats, if you will. Now that her birthday is here, those days are behind me, and Kate is my future.

“Relax, bro, we’ll be there in like ten minutes.” Zane looks at me.