Instead of serving ourselves, I hired male servers that were very easy on the eyes—and shirtless, just to keep things interesting. The women started to arrive a little after eleven. The first was Laura.
“Queen Addie.” Laura smiled coyly, giving me a nod.
I didn’t know her so I couldn’t tell if she was saying it sarcastically or not. So instead, I just smiled. “You’re Anthony’s wife, Laura. Right?”
She smiled. “I am. I’ve heard so much about you!”
I laughed. “Sorry.”
She smiled so hard the skin around her eyes crinkled. “He does like to complain about you. But he was truly sorry about what happened to you. He said they should have done more to protect you instead of waiting to see how everything played out.”
“Peter said the same thing,” a voice came from behind me.
I spun around.
“Hello. I’m Celeste.”
“I’m Addie. Nice to mee you both.” I shook both of their hands. “Celeste, you’re Peter’s wife?”
She nodded as a smile spread across her lips. “That I am.”
Anthony and Peter had similar taste in women, as was evident by their wives. Both women had dark hair, almond shaped eyes, and skin the color of cinnamon. They both had similar body shapes, too. It made me wonder if they were sisters or related in some way.
Once all the women I had invited found their seats, brunch was served. There was no schedule. No speech. Just food, mimosas, and a chance to talk with people you may not see often.
“So, Queen Addie—”
“Is this going to be a thing where everyone calls me Queen Addie, because if it is, we need to have a conversation.” One corner of my lips curled into a smile.
That earned me a few chuckles.
“Addie works.” I shrugged, slowly nibbling on a bacon and spinach mini quiche.
“Well, Addie, how are you feeling?” asked Liv. I couldn’t remember whose wife or girlfriend she was. She tucked a platinum blonde strand behind her ear and gazed at me. The concern seemed genuine.
“I’m okay.”
“Have they been caught yet?” Ayla asked, sitting next to her twin sister Amayla.
I opened my mouth to answer and then stopped. I probably shouldn’t tell them before their husbands. “We have a pretty good idea where they are.” Hey, it wasn’t a lie, at least. I knew exactly where they were.
“What are you going to do when you find them?” Liv asked just as one of the shirtless men refilled her glass, her eyes following him as he walked away.
“I’m going to kill them.” I smiled sweetly. “What else would I do?”
“We heard about Reggie and those other men. You cut off their dicks, and what happened to Reggie….” Laura’s voice trailed off like she couldn’t bear to finish her sentence.
“I think Anthony’s still not sure you did it on your own.” She tilted her head to the side, gauging my reaction. “He thought Lucian did it and you covered for him… to keep the peace between the families.”
I nodded, then took a slow sip of champagne to gather my thoughts. “Oh, I took care of Reggie. But I let Lucian sit in to watch, for retribution for his daughter, of course.” Then I leaned in conspiratorially, crossing my legs as if we were a group of normal women, discussing our next shopping trip. “And I assure you, I have a lot more planned for the men who attacked me.” I held up my glass and Chippendales waiter refilled my glass. I didn’t look. “But as for the other men whose dicks I have in a jar on my mantle, I didn’t do that personally, but I gave the order.” I sighed, shaking my head. “I wish I’d been there to see it, though.”
“Why?” Liv’s voice was small, almost childlike, her eyes wide in disbelief.
“You know why,” answered Laura. “Everybody knew what he was into.”
“He was a pervert,” said Lyra.
“Did he actually rape the women or just record it?” I took another sip of my champagne and motioned for the men to refill the glasses for the other ladies.