Page 9 of Blood and Honor

“Is there a way—I mean, could you get me pictures of all the members of Lenny’s gang?”

Nate blinked. “Sure. I can contact our guy in the police force. I’m sure they have pictures of all of Lenny’s guys.”

“Thanks.” But in reality, I didn’t need pictures. I needed names. I’d never forget the fuckers who did this to me for as long as I live. Not until I make them suffer, anyway.

Martha emerged from the kitchen again, this time with a plate piled high with bacon, eggs, and fruit. She slid the plate in front of me, along with the plate of pancakes. Then she lightly kissed my hair and patted my shoulder before going back into the kitchen.

Nate poured me a glass of orange juice.

I was starving. Nate stole a piece of my bacon to replace the one I took. I started with the bacon and worked my way to the fruit. Footsteps, hard shoes hitting the marble floor, made everyone at the table stop for a moment.

“Eli?” the footsteps stopped for a moment and then picked up again. This time, they headed in our direction instead of toward the front door. He stuck his head into the dining room, a silly grin lighting his lips.

“Good morning.” He walked in and just stood there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

“Morning.” Dad narrowed his eyes at him, not sure what to make of it, but shrugged and took a bite of his bacon.

“You want some breakfast?” I shoved a half a piece of bacon in my mouth as I patted the empty chair beside me.

He tilted his head slightly and smiled. “No, I can’t. I have a meeting.” He arched an eyebrow. “Raincheck?”

“Always.” I grinned as I slid a pancake onto my plate and slathered it with syrup.

“I thought Rory was supposed to be taking on more things.” Dad shrugged. “Learning to take over for your father.”

Eli flinched when he heard his brother’s name. While Rory was older, he wasn’t a businessman. He wanted power, but he didn’t want to work for it. And because of that, Eli didn’t really like his brother. Eli was good with numbers, personable, charming and a hard worker. Because Eli possessed all the skills Rory lacked, Rory didn’t like Eli.

Eli shrugged. “You all have a good morning.” He turned to walk away.

“You, too.”

He stopped for a moment at the sound of my voice and then continued walking. We listened as his footsteps clicked toward the front door, then to the sounds of the door squeaking on its hinges and then closing.

“I don’t know why Gold doesn’t just make Eli his successor.” Nate shook his head as he took a bite of his pancake. “He’s clearly the right man for the job.”

My father shook his head. “It’ll probably never happen. Eli’s mother—she wasn’t—it—”

“His mother was Gold’s mistress when he was married to Rory’s mother.” I took a long sip of my orange juice.

“He told you that?” My father took a sip of orange juice and placed the glass back on the table.

“You think we don’t talk?” I shrugged, giving my father a weird look. “Of course he did… well… some of it. I still don’t know where she disappeared off to all those years ago. Or why he ever wants to talk about her, but I know better than to bring it up.”

“Wait, what?” Nate looked from me to my father.

“Finally! I knew something you didn’t know.” I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled.

“So, Eli can’t lead the family because his mother was a mistress.” Nate shook his head, trying to figure it out as he went back to eating. “That doesn’t seem right to me. I mean, clearly, the man has skills! He would lead that family better than Rory ever could.”

“The affair has always been a sour spot for his family.” I downed the orange juice and Martha brought me a cup of coffee. She headed out after giving me a generous smile. “Brandon Gold’s wife was very angry when she found out about the affair. And when he wanted to bring Eli to live with them, it really pissed her off. But Gold wanted to teach Eli about the business. Some kind of deal was struck, and he was allowed to stay. But he’s the second born, so Rory would naturally be first in line, anyway.”

“What happened to Eli’s mother?” Nate took a bite of his bacon.

I shrugged. “I remember I used to see her a lot when we were younger and then one day nothing. Never saw her again.”

“Well, I guess we all know what happened to her.” Nate wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin.

I glanced at my father, who just slowly nodded his head. I watched him. He barely ate, and when he drank, he took small sips. He met my gaze and I smiled.