Page 11 of Blood and Honor

Chapter 5


The butler, an older gentleman with wisps of gray and white hair, led me into the formal living room. Whoever their decorator was really knew what they were doing. The rooms we passed through had one thing in common—most of the furniture was either beige or a shade of white, and each room had a different pop of color.

I sat in the living room on an off-white sofa with ornate wooden legs. The pop of color in this room was emerald green. The color could be found in a few abstract paintings on the walls, large and small vases scattered around the room, and an assortment of knickknacks on the coffee table and in the bookcase, pulling it all together.

“Red!” Lucian’s voice was loud and startling and filled with genuine happiness. “I’ve missed seeing your face!”

I stood up and he swept me up into a big bear hug. Even though it had been weeks since they found me, he was careful not to squeeze too hard. So, I squeezed him back and he chuckled.

He wiggled out of my embrace and took a step back. “You look good! All healed up and plotting revenge!” A proud, fatherly smile spread across his face as he wiggled his eyebrows. I could just imagine what he was like when he was younger. He’d probably be the one leading the charge of maiming and killing those fuckers.

I laughed.

“I know you got some twisted shit planned and I, for one, can’t wait to see it!” He chuckled, shaking his head. “After what I saw you did to Reggie, I almost feel sorry for what you have planned for those bastards. Almost.”

I smiled. “Got to find them first.”

“I know you will, and anything the Sky family can do to help, just let me know.” He let out a deep breath, his expression turning serious. “I’ve had my men out looking for them, too, but have had no luck. But if we find them before you do, I promise I’ll hold them for you. You’ll be the first phone call I make.”

“Thank you.” A smile lit my lips. Ever since I helped him get revenge on the men who raped his daughter, Lucian had become like a second father to me. It was nice to know that he and the Sky Family had my back.

“Have a seat.” Then Lucian froze. “Better yet, why don’t you come in my office?” Lucian grabbed me by the hand and tucked it in his arm. Then he led to the back of the house. We passed a wall littered with beautiful art, big decorative vases on the floor. Each room we passed seemed more extravagant than the last. As he led me to his office, I was very mindful of everything around me.

I found myself wondering how they moved around in the house. It would be like living in a museum or an art gallery. I was so afraid that I was going to bump into something and knock it over that each step I took was purposeful and careful.

Lucian must have noticed because he stopped short and spun around to look at me. “You okay, Red?”

I chuckled. “Trying to follow you and not knock anything over.”

He laughed so hard his stomach jiggled. “It’s just stuff. Come on.”

Lucian’s office was on the opposite end of the house. We passed through a conservatory filled with exotic plants and flowers to get to it.

“This is how I make sure no one bothers me, and I can get my shit done.” He chuckled as he pushed the double doors open. Lucian’s office was big. There was a large corner desk facing the door on the far-right side of the room. On the other side, there was a large cream-colored sofa, and bookcases lined the walls. His love for plants was evident in his office, as there was one in every corner of the room. Dark green palms in gold-colored pots.

“Wow,” I said as I stepped farther into the room.

Lucian closed the door behind me. “I needed something big enough to hold a lot of people in case I had to have a big meeting in here.”

“It definitely is big enough.”

He sat at the desk while I sat in the dark blue chair in front.

“So, really, how are you?” He folded his hands on top of his desk.

“I’m trying.” I sighed. After what his daughter had gone through, I knew I could trust him. He wouldn’t see me differently as the head of the Kingsley Family because of it.

He nodded, tilting his head to the side. “What are your plans? You going to kill all the guys, or just the ones responsible?”

I chewed on my bottom lip as I tapped my forefinger on my knee. “I think just the men responsible, but I haven’t fully decided. I feel like I should kill all of them. I want to. But I’m trying to be less impulsive and really think things through. But part of me says killing all of them would make a point. I feel—”

“Let me tell you what I always tell my son,” he cut me off, his eyes filled with concern. “Trust your gut.”

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as my shoulders relaxed.

“If you feel like something’s right, or if your gut is telling you that something’s wrong, then trust it. As long as the shit makes sense to you, fuck everyone else.”