After the last woman left, I headed upstairs and into my room, feeling better than I had in a long while. Sometimes, you just need a little girl time.
“So, how did it go?” my father asked when I entered the kitchen for breakfast the next morning.
I nodded, smiling as I took a sip of my orange juice. “It went very well.”
Martha smiled as she set a plate of home-fried potatoes, eggs, bacon, and biscuits on the table before me. She gave me a slight hug and then headed back to the kitchen.
I told him about the woman and what they said.
He smiled as he nodded his head. “You did well, kid. It’s the first step. Take baby steps, one thing at a time.”
I was relieved too, it went better than I thought it would. Part of me wondered what they told their husbands when they got home. But I figured I would hear about it sooner or later.
“So, have you made a decision yet?” He dabbed at his lips and laid his napkin on his plate as Martha rushed in to take it away.
I arched an eyebrow, chewing the bit of bacon in my mouth. “About the men?”
He nodded, folding his hand son top of the table.
I let out a deep breath. “I’m going to kill them, but I still haven’t worked out the details yet. But I plan to take one at a time, and make the others watch. I’ll save Lenny for last.”
He nodded. “Okay, but don’t wait too long.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “A message needs to be sent.”
“Don’t worry. It’ll be dealt with.” I nodded, taking a sip of my orange juice. I wanted to kill them, but in my own way, taking my time. I wanted to savor every moment of it. So, I was going to take my time. By the time I got through with them, they’d wish they’d never been born.
Chapter 9
Hank. His name was Hank. I didn’t bother asking his last name. It didn’t matter at this point. The other four men were tied up close by, within earshot. I wanted them close. I wanted them to be able to hear everything that was happening in this room. Every scream. Every plea. Every snap. Every crunch.
But we weren’t there yet. Hank was tied to the table. He wasn’t gagged or blindfolded. I wanted him to see, to scream.
I watched as his eyes darted from wall to wall, searching for an escape. But there was none. Even if he could get out of this room, the maze of hallways in the factory would make it impossible to make a quick escape.
Yes, this was going to be fun.
The air in the room was charged with anticipation and dread. My anticipation mingled with his fear and blanketed the room. But he didn’t say anything.
And I didn’t say anything. Not because I didn’t have anything to say. I had many things to say to him. I was just trying to sort them out in my mind. I was trying to figure out what I was going to do to him. I had created several scenarios in my mind. My entanglement of shadows that I killed one by one. But now that one of those shadows was here, flesh and blood, right in front of me… I didn’t know what I was going to do with him.
I could only kill him once and I didn’t want to waste the chance. Sure, I had four others where I could try something different, but I wanted to get this one right. I wanted to give him the death he deserved. So, we sat in silence.
Hank was tied to the table, each limb cuffed to a table leg, and I was sitting on a chair, watching him. I didn’t take my time with the first person that I killed, and I regretted it. Not that I regretted killing him, of course, he deserved it. But what I regretted was not taking my time, thinking it through, living in the moment.
He had raped me, too, when I was in college. When he was done and rolled off me, he sighed contently, satisfied with what he had done, and I grabbed the nearest, heaviest thing I could reach and pulverized him with it. When I got through with him, his face was unrecognizable. Soon after, I called my father and he brought back home.
So much for college.
Thinking back now, I should have gone home and planned it a little more. But it didn’t matter anyway. He was still dead.
I gazed at Hank and then an idea popped into my head. I jumped up. “I’ll be right back, Hank.” A devilish smile curled my lips as I patted his cheek. “Try not to miss me while I’m gone.”
His eyes were wide with fear. Good.
I left the room and went toward the front door where Nate waited. He stood up the moment he saw me.
“Are…you done?”