Page 1 of Blood and Honor

Chapter 1




“My God, Addie!”

The voices were distant and urgent. Panic seized me. Was Lenny’s gang back? While I heard the voices, I couldn’t open my eyes. Suddenly, I was being lifted off the ground by two strong arms.

“We need to get her back to the house.” They held me tightly against them, their chests rapidly rising and falling.

“Nate?” I mumbled.

“Yes, it’s me,” he growled, clenching his jaw. “You’re all right, Boss. We’re going to get you some help and then we’ll get those bastards who did this to you.”

“I want to,” I croaked.

There was a pause and then he replied, “We’ll talk about it later, Boss. Let’s get you home first.”

I nodded, barely able to move. My body felt heavy, my throat too tight to speak. I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn’t budge. It was as if something was keeping them closed. Not just my eyelids, but my entire body felt so heavy. So tired.

Where was Eli?

“Eli?” I asked, tears stinging my eyes as someone slid me into the backseat of a car, maybe?

“I’m here, Addie.” He held me in the backseat.

Nate started the car and then we were moving.

Tears stung my eyes. “Eli?”

“I’m here, Addie,” Eli growled. “We’re taking you to your house, then I’ll hunt those bastards down. Don’t worry. They won’t get away with this.”

“I know.” I nodded. “I memorized their faces. I’ll kill each and every one of them.”

Elia stroked my forehead. “Shush. We’ll talk about it later.”

The car zoomed through the streets. Where to, I had no idea. They said they were taking me home. When we stopped, someone carried me inside. The air pressure changed. “Eli?”

“Yeah, it’s me, doll,” he replied. “You’re home.”

“Addie?” I felt something solid beneath me. My bed? It shifted as someone sat beside me. And that was the last thing I remember.

“Addie?” Someone was a distance away, calling my name in the darkness, but I couldn’t make out exactly who it was.

I opened my eyes as far as they would go, which wasn't very far. I swallowed and it felt like there needles were piercing my throat. I reached for someone, anyone. Someone held my hand and squeezed.


Was thatPadre? Yes, it was him.

I gently squeezed his hand back.

“It’s been three days since Nate, Eli, and the others found you.”

I squeezed his hand again. I could just barely make out his shape as he sat next to me on the bed. He was blurry, but he seemed a shell of his former self. A man slowly withering away. I was sure that my condition didn’t do him any good. In fact, if I could talk, I’d have the men take him out. No man should have to witness his daughter in this condition.