Page 80 of Mr. Wolfe's Nanny

Could we have had better timing for our talk? Maybe.

Am I the asshole here? Definitely.

“It’s hard allowing myself to bevulnerableagain.”

When Kathy died, I told myself I wouldn’t allow another woman into my heart to that extent. To love is to risk. I’d risked and I’d lost. Have I just lost again?

Oliver gives me a long suffering sigh. “It’s Quinn you need to be talking to.”

“I know. I’ve left messages. She’s not replying so far.”

“Can you blame her?”

“Not really.”

I practically accused her of messing with my contraceptives. Why? Because I’d thought of Nadine, of course, and what she tried to do along with that shitty remark she’d made Friday about Quinn just needing to get knocked up to be all set for life. A man doesn’t want to be loved for his fortune.

I’d let my mouth run ahead of my brain. And worse, when Quinn angrily asked if I was questioning who the father was, my jealousy prompted me to answer in a manner I’m not proud of.

“I’ve really fucked up, Oliver.”

“Sounds like it. Does Maggie know you knocked up the nanny yet?”

“If you speak it aloud, she probably will any second now. You know Mom. And, don’t refer to Quinn like she’s only ‘the nanny.’ She’s a lot more than that.”

“I figured but have you toldherthat?”

Way to twist the knife, doctor. “I mean to.” How pathetic that sounds spoken aloud.

“Hmmm, you’d better. But, Jonathan and I already have a bet going about how soon Maggie’s going to kick your ass. I’m saying the second she lays eyes on you. Jonathan says she’ll ask two or three questions first.”

“Thanks for that.” Too bad I can’t kick my own ass.

We end the call and I stare at my unanswered thirty-seven texts to Quinn.Little late to avoid being vulnerable.

The car stops and apparently my brothers aren’t done with me yet. There’s a very familiar figure waiting on me at the entrance to our Memphis headquarters. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to do what we agreed on, be your right-hand man,” Grayson tells me without any of his usual humor.


“You shouldn’t be. You know, I used to think you were the smartest guy around.”

“Used to?”

“You’re here when you should be home, Theo.”

I open my mouth to argue but no argument comes out. He’s right. I knew it when I woke up in a different bed, different city, different state this morning. I shouldn’t have left last night.

Much as I appreciate the things I’ve learned from my dad, I’ve never wanted to become him in every respect. Not at all. When I first became a father, I told myself I wouldn’t lose sight of what matters most. Part of that is remembering there are roles in my life which take precedence over being the CEO.

“I’ll go up with you and shake hands.” Grayson doesn’t like that until I add, “I’ll go shake hands, assure them we’ll take care of our employees and restore their facilities and then I’ll turn them over to you, my brother and my right-hand man. Okay?”

“Then, you’ll be on the first flight out of here?”

“I’m going to text Claire on our way upstairs to arrange it.”

He lets go of a breath he must’ve been holding and I realize he’d expected more of a fight. I’m not giving it to him. He’s absolutely right and so was Oliver.