Page 26 of Mr. Wolfe's Nanny

“Yes.” The way her eyes light up, there’s no question that she loves it. She proceeds to tell me some about the areas she enjoyed teaching most along with some of her favorite stories involving her students. “I wanted to inspire them.”

I thought she was beautiful the moment I laid eyes on her but to hear her speak of her passion for teaching young minds and all things science, it makes her glow and makes something inside of me unfurl. “I knew Ryder loved his science classes but I’m glad to see how you’ve sparked Jill’s interest, too.”

“I had hoped to encourage her. Too many girls are sent the wrong message about STEM classes. Especially as they get older, society can wind up giving them some really skewed ideas and they’re sometimes made to believe that science, math and technology are something nerdy and they don’t belong in those fields.”

“Complete bullshit. Girls and women belong in any field that interests them.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, Mr. Wolfe.”

“Theo.” She blinks up at me. With the morning sun’s reflection, her hazel eyes appear golden. “You could call me Theo… if you like.”

Okay, not exactly professional but it’s not terribly strange, is it? We’ve had sex for fuck’s sake so her calling me Theo would hardly be the most taboo thing about this situation.

I like Quinn. She’s intelligent, good company. Obviously, I’m not looking to date anyone seriously but, if I was going to date someone, she’d be the kind of woman I could see myself enjoying spending time with.

And, if I have to go to that banquet for the Journalism Society in a couple of weeks withsomeone, I’d happily ask her if things were different.Oh yeah, that would be the height of professionalism, taking the nanny out on a date.

The insane notion is interrupted by a shadow falling over us. “Hello again, Ms. Batista."

I look up to find the shadow belongs to a man, one of the teachers here. I’d place him around thirty. Handsome, dark eyes, very fit with what I can only describe as blond surfer boy hair. Look, if you saw him, you’d agree.

“Hello, Mr. Carter,” Quinn replies. Hold on, is sheblushingor is that the chilly morning breeze making her cheeks pink?

“Have you come to substitute for us today? Always looking for qualified subs who know my favorite subject backwards and forwards.”

Quinn laughs and she’s definitely blushing. While I love her blush, I’m not enjoying the fact that another man brought it out. “No, no substituting for me today. We’re here for a meeting.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to work on convincing you some more then.” He gives us a wink, the prick, and turns his attention to me. “It’s great to see you again, Mr. Wolfe. Not sure if you remember meeting me but I’m Alex Carter, head of the science department here.”

“Oh, yes. Nice to see you again.”

We shake hands and I recall him from one of the first meetings I attended here when Mom and I were getting Ryder enrolled. He wasn’t the head of the science department then, just a wet behind the ears newbie.Wow, Theo. Where did that come from?

I sit in silence as Mr. Carter prattles on - doesn’t he have students to be teaching or something? - and ponder my suddenly sour mood. This figures, doesn’t it? I’ve got an amazing nanny for the kids at last and someone’s already looking to poach her from me for another job.

It’s like he’s the nanny/teacher headhunter. And substituting? Sure, that’s fine but Quinn would make a great full-time teacher here with all the benefits. Or at any school. Maybe even a better department head than some.

Meanwhile, is the fear of losing my nannyallthat’s bothering me?

I won’t lie to myself. No, it’s not.Hey, Jealousy.

But feeling jealousy is so inappropriate of me when I was the one saying earlier how our relationship must stay professional. Carter gives that hair of his a shake and my inner caveman tells professionalism to fuck off.

When he finally leaves to go inside, it’s getting close to time for our own meeting and I know I’m acting sullen. How old am I? Too old to act like this.

I’m convincing myself to be a rational adult and ask Quinn, somewhat pleadingly, if she’s actually interested in substitute teaching here when we have another person joining us.

“Theo! What an unexpected surprise to see you here!”

I hide my grimace as Nadine hurries towards us. “Hello, Nadine.”

I figured the greeting would be sufficient but she’s angling for a hug. With me seated next to Quinn on the bench, it’s more like Nadine is climbing into my lap for one. I awkwardly pat her back and decide to stand before she can literally sit on me.

I notice Quinn looking confused and uncomfortable. Hell, I’m uncomfortable. Nadine decides to make it weirder by running her fingers through my hair. I step back and straighten. I’m too tall for her to easily do that again.

Quinn looks more than uncomfortable now. She looks… annoyed.

“Where have you been hiding? I tried calling you last month,” Nadine scolds.