My eyes scan the papers and a horrible sense of déjà vu washes over me. Except this is worse, so much worse. “Severance papers? You’re firing me?”
Price Academy closed but Theo’s letting me go because he’s choosing to. He’s powerful and wealthy and he wants our baby. What if he decides to take… My hands start to tremble and my vision clouds with panic and tears.
But then, he’s kneeling in front of me, his hands closing over mine. His touch is like a craving being fulfilled and the soft rumble of his voice soothes my fears. “Don’t be afraid, sweetheart. In a sense, yes, I’m letting you go.”
“But my health insurance. And the kids. Oh God, Theo. Am I not allowed to see Ryder and Jill…” I think my heart might stop.
“Of course, you can see the kids. Any time at all. You think I’d keep you from them? Or them from you? They love you, Quinn. This whole household does. Hell, Marilyn’s ready to pack her doggy bags and come stay with you.”
“But the job.”
“The job was a job. All your concerns should be addressed in those papers. You think I’d cut you off from your benefits while you’re pregnant? Sweetheart, I would never.”
I glance down at the papers again but my eyes are full of tears. I swipe them away to read. He’s giving me a huge severance package, more than I could make in twenty years as a teacher, and eighteen months of health benefits. Is this his way of saying it’s over but making sure I’m taken care of?
“I want to give you options. You can come here as often as you like, spend all the time with Jill and Ryder you want. You don’t have to worry about money. Ever, to be honest. You’ll be provided for no matter what. But, I’m releasing you from your position as my children’s nanny because, as amazing as you’ve been in that role, the position I want to see you in going forward is a much more meaningful one, Ms. Batista.”
He can’t mean… but maybe he does. He reaches behind him again and this time it’s not more papers. It’s a ring box. “Theo,” I gasp softly.
He looks at the box and then raises his blue eyes to mine, his gaze intent and sincere. “I swear to you, on everything I hold dear, this isn’t duty or guilt. I’d marry you a thousand times a day, pregnancy or no pregnancy. There is absolutely no pressure to accept this tonight or next week or next year or ever if you don’t feel the same,” he says with the unopened box resting in his palm. “But Quinn, I can’t go another day without telling you how much I love you. I have been in love with you for a good while now and I don’t see how I can ever stop.”
Tears leak from my eyes but they’re happy ones. And, because my curiosity can’t be contained, I crack open the ring box. A gorgeous diamond solitaire winks back at me. I think my heartrate just tripled.
“You were right yesterday. Keeping you on as the kids’ nanny while having an affair might’ve been fun at first, if morally questionable on my part, but I feel too strongly about you for that to continue. Baby, I want you to be so much more than the nanny in this household. I want you to be my wife, the mother of my kids, all of them, and my partner for life.”
Overjoyed, I surge forward, out of the chair and into his arms. He holds me so close, so perfectly. The ache of the past few days evaporates when we’re together like this. Isa would say we’ve got this. And she’d be right. “Theo, I love you, too.”
“That makes me so happy to hear, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my ear with his hand tenderly pressed to my belly. “There’s one more thing I really want to ask tonight.”
“Just one more thing?” I ask, unable to contain the teasing note in my voice. It earns me one of his sexy crooked smiles.
“Yeah. May I take you out on a date? I’ve never got to take you out on a real date. Seems like we should have one of those.”
Happiness like I could never believe fills me when I tell him, “Yes, you may.”
And yes to the other question, too.
I’ll tell him that soon. First, let’s see how dating my former boss/baby daddy/future husband goes.
Dating Theo, as it turns out, is a lot of fun. It’s been a while since I’ve been wooed. Actually, I’ve never known much wooing. My last boyfriend was a fellow teacher and we went from having coffee together in the mornings to sharing a bed without a lot of fuss or fanfare.
Do I need a lot of fanfare? No.
Am I enjoying a bit of it? Hell, yes.
Not that I’d trade mine and Theo’s beginning for anything, I’m still proud of myself for feeling bold that night at Sapphire. And part of our love story includes two terrific kids who I had the privilege of getting to know well while being part of their everyday lives in a manner which made it easier for them to accept me.
But Theo had been right to suggest dating for us, just as me living with Isa for the time being is good as we transition into our new roles. Stolen moments and sneaking around with the boss is exciting but, when it comes to getting serious, openness is wonderful andchoosingto spend your time with someone, inside and outside of the bedroom, is more meaningful when it’s a choice and not merely a convenience.
I think Theo’s been enjoying us dating, too. It’s been years since he’s done much wooing beyond buying a lady a drink at a bar and flashing that sexy grin of his. He says it’s good for him to practice. All I can say is, he’s really good at wooing.
My sister has been keeping watch at the window for our respective dates to arrive. Mine with Theo and hers with Alex who she finally agreed to see again after some sisterly encouragement. Who cares if he’s kind of like my new boss?
“It’s not like I’m datingmyboss,” Isa says.
“Well, that would be awkward since Lucas’s parents are married.”