Page 75 of Mr. Wolfe's Nanny

I hurry into my bathroom, praying there’s still some condoms in here somewhere considering most of them are kept up in Quinn’s now for convenience’s sake.

When I come back to bed, she gives me a strained smile. Have I upset her? No, she plucks the condom out of my hand and rises to her knees on my mattress. “My turn to pleasure you,” she says in a husky voice before she wraps her hand around my dick.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” I groan when she takes me into her hot little mouth. “Goddamn, you give the best…mmmmmm.”

She laughs. I think. The vibrations of her laughter manage to indeed make me go cross-eyed and I’ll be babbling next. I pull her off me before I come though, wanting to be inside her when I do.

I fuck her hard the first time, telling her exactly when she’s allowed to come, working her up and teasing her until she’s half wild, then relishing her desparate, shattering release when I give the word. Her nails rake my back as she’s milking me dry and,fuck, it feels so good.

Then, I make love to her slowly, tenderly until she comes again. My woman in my bed. Nights and nights of pent-up passion are unleashed at last. Being with Quinn is like coming home. Fuck, it feels even better than the first round.

Two hours later, she creeps out of my room when I’m on the verge of passing out, a very tired but utterly satisfied man, to rejoin Jill and their sleepover upstairs.

When I wake a few hours later, it’s to the faint sound of the front door closing. For such a quiet sound, it startles me. I hear Marilyn whimpering in the hallway and decide to get up. Patting the dog’s head, I let her out to do her business and catch a hint of Quinn’s tail lights disappearing down the drive.

Quinn’s left to spend the weekend with her sister and I still didn’t tell her the things I wanted to last night. She never mentioned the job offer either.

I’m not sure why but the faint sound of that closing door and those fading tail lights feel ominous in the biting cold of this early morning’s darkness.


My mother always said, “Planning your day when your children are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” Today, I can see the truth in her words.

The plan is to return to the house early Monday from Isa’s, get the kids off to school and go to my doctor’s appointment. Then, assuming the doctor confirms I am pregnant, I’ll talk to Theo tonight.

But the moment I walk into Jill’s room, the plan’s getting challenged. She’s still in bed and not her chipper, chatty morning self. “Sweetie, are you sick?” A pitiful cough is the reply. “Oh, baby,” I sigh, sitting down to give her hugs and check her symptoms. Sore throat, achy head, low-grade fever. Staying home.

“She was fine last night when I put her to bed,” Theo says when we encounter each other outside his bedroom a few minutes later and I tell him the news.

He looks delectable this morning; tall, strong and handsome, ready to conquer the boardroom while dressed in my favorite dark blue tailored suit which accentuates his lovely eyes. I physically ache with how much I’ve missed him since I crept out of his bed early Saturday morning.

He also appears very aggravated though which puts me on guard.

“Viruses can crop up anytime. I’ll keep her home to rest. If symptoms worsen, I’ll get her in to see the doctor later.”

He nods and gives me a probing look. “How was your weekend? Any news to share?”

I shake my head even if I feel like a deer in headlights. I don’t want to tell him until I know for certain – which I took another test at Isa’s this weekend and I’m 99% sure now - and I knew keeping quiet all weekend would be impossible if we were together. Maybe I should’ve told him. He’d ask me not to keep secrets from him.

But if I go to the doctor and there’s some mistake, is it better to keep it to myself? Or would I rather have his support? Ugh, the thought of a potential confrontation is making my stomach roil. Or is that the baby?

“It was fine. Speaking of doctors, I have my appointment at nine-thirty this morning. Is there any way you could…”

He immediately shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Quinn, but the board is voting then and I have to be present.”

“Of course. It’s a big day for you.” He’ll be confirmed as the new CEO of Wolfe Media today during that meeting. It’s a big day for me, too, but I don’t tell him that.

He gives me another long, searching look, almost like he knows I’m holding something back. My guilt amplifies and I’m nearly ready to unstick my tongue when he says, “Unfortunately, the board vote isn’t all that’s going on today. There’s severe weather hitting the south. Our Memphis division is reporting damage from a tornado.”

“A tornado! In January?”

“Yeah, wild weather for winter. Still waiting on details but I’m heading out to the office now that you’re here. I’m sure Mom could watch Jill while you go to the doctor. Or Maria and Julieta wouldn’t mind if necessary.”

“Sure, don’t worry about us here. Go do your thing and I’ll figure it out. I’ll update you on Jill.”And me.

“Yes. There’s some other things we need to discuss later, too.” He gives me a brief kiss on the forehead and strides away.

He left his bedroom door open so I move to close it and that’s when my stomach bottoms out. Kathy’s picture is back. It had been gone when he took me to his bed Friday night and now it’s back. Why?