
Archie groaned.

“I love golf.”

“He means real golf, babe. Not mini-golf.”

“I know what he meant,” I countered, sticking my tongue at him. “I can’t really play right now but…could we drive around in one of the fun carts?”

“I like this one, Sprout. Keep her around.” Ted grinned, and Archie let out another groan, but it was more in amusement than aggrieved. “Yes, young lady, we will definitely have a cart. If we want to get in a bit of trouble, we could play bumper carts too.”

That set both of them off laughing, and the three of us stood in the darkened drive for another fifteen minutes as Ted recounted Archie’s learning to drive one of the golf carts for the first time and that they’d ended up having to buy both because Archie insisted on treating it like bumper cars.

It was adorable.

After he left, Archie glanced at me. “Thanks for hanging out with us.”

“I like him.”

“Me, too,” Archie admitted. “You would have loved my grandmother.”

I already did.

He sighed.

“Did your father really threaten you?”

“I’m used to it. Grandpa will help. I knew he would. Muriel wouldn’t let Edward take away all the funds, but I don’t want you in the middle of whatever pissing contest is coming.”

Instead of going back inside, we walked along the side of the house and followed the second drive around toward the pool and the gardens.

“You know, you always told us that your parents and your grandparents had a falling out, but you never said over what…and I didn’t realize you changed schools because of your grandmother.”

“I didn’t talk about it as much then. It was still pretty fresh, and I meant what I said in there, I don’t regret it.” His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his pocket. “One sec, babe, just telling the guys we’re still here. Jake and Bubba’s game is over.”

It had gotten a lot later than I realized.

“Huh,” Archie said as he tapped away. Crossing my left arm over to hold my right biceps, I watched the way the light of the phone played over his face. He was chewing on his lower lip, and there was just enough scruff on his cheeks to make him look older. “They won. Both seem a little surprised, but they might make playoffs yet. Both lead teams lost tonight, which brings them up closer.”

I chuckled. “Oh, they might hate that.” At least to hear Jake and Ian talk about it now.

Archie shot me a look. “Right?”

“But it would be kind of awesome if they did get a championship.” They’d gotten so close the year before.

He typed a couple more things, then held up his phone. “Smile.”

I grinned, but crossed my eyes and then stuck out my tongue at the last second before he snapped the picture. He snorted.

“I’m still sending it.”

“I’m okay with it.” He finished, then shut off his phone and slid it back into his pocket before holding his hand out to me. “Walk with me for a bit longer? I can tell you those stories if you want.”

Clasping his hand, I smiled. “That sounds nice.”

It really did.

Chapter Sixteen