She shuddered from head to toe, and I pressed a kiss to her belly before I stretched over her to the side table. The drawer opened to a roll of condoms I’d stored there. I pulled one out, and Coop moved slightly to lay on his side while still toying with her breast.

“Is this all right?” he asked. While his attention seemed focused on her, Coop continued to twist and tweak her nipples. She arched her back and another full body shudder passed through her. The goosebumps rippling over her skin promised me he was doing a wonderful job of keeping her on edge. I shed my shorts and rolled the condom on.

“I don’t mind,” I answered when Frankie gave another pleased gasp. “Do you, Baby Girl?”

Licking her lips, she dragged her gaze from Coop to me, and there it was—that daring glint in her eyes. “No,” she whispered. “I want both of you.”

The words sank into me, riding an edge of triumph, and I ran my hands up and down her thighs, petting her as much as soothing myself. “You’re going to get that,” I promised. “Maybe not at once, not yet.”

She wasn’t ready for that yet. Not with her wrist and her still healing bruises. But we could work our way up there.

“Soon,” Coop agreed, then slanted a look at me. I nodded at the desire in his eyes. Yeah, I wanted that, too. But right now, I just wanted Frankie, and I was fine with Coop sharing this moment. Fuck, I looked forward to after. “Jake first,” he said as he leaned down to kiss Frankie again. The way he went after those kisses, practically devouring her as he pinched her nipple until it flushed deep red, sent an answering pulse to my cock.

Then Coop backed off, and I surged up. Sinking into her was like going home, and even though I wanted to take my time, she wrapped her legs around my hips and dragged me in. When my mouth locked on hers, I thrust all the way home.

Hot, tight, and so damn perfect. I groaned as she sucked against my tongue. Of all the times I’d ever imagined having her, rocking into her always exceeded my expectations. I planted one hand to keep my weight from crushing her. Not wanting to jar her wrist either, I kept my thrusts sharper, more contained, but she was already spasming around me.

When she pulled back to cry out, I gritted my teeth. The tension in my spine had gone red hot, and I braced my other hand flat to the bed and met her gaze as she arched up to meet me. The rhythm increased, and with every snap of my hips, it was like the edge rushed up to meet me as my balls seemed to drag up tight. When she dug her nails into my shoulder and Coop uttered a quiet “Fuck…” I came.

The hot pulse spilled out of me, and I snapped forward twice more before everything went rigid. Her inner muscles clamped down, fluttering against me as if milking me for every drop. Sweat slicked my skin, and it was hard to catch my breath.

We all lay there for several long moments as I fought to catch my breath, and then with regret, I eased out of her, carefully. She let out a shuddering cry, and then Coop had her mouth claimed again, another kiss as he tugged her to him.

I stumbled back from the bed on rubbery legs. It took me a minute to deal with the condom, and I went to the bathroom to dispose of it. When I came back, Coop had her rolled on her side and he was drilling into her from behind.


That was hot.

I fell back onto the bed, facing her, and then cupped her chin with one hand while I put her splinted wrist against my side to brace it. Kissing her, I wrapped my tongue around hers as she cried out. Coop had his hand between her thighs even as he rocked his hips, and I tasted her orgasm in her kiss a moment before it struck.

I leaned back to watch them, and I loved seeing her come apart, face flushed and sweat beading along her skin, until Coop went rigid and his groan elongated as it filled the quiet room.

They kissed again, and when Coop let go of her lips, she turned to me and I pulled her close for another kiss. The bed dipped and moved as Coop went to deal with his own condom, but I cradled Frankie to me.

Best good morning kiss ever.

It took some real effort to get moving, and I kept an eye on Frankie as I helped her in the shower. Coop had grabbed one first, then he was ready to help her after. She moved a little awkwardly, and I worried we’d been too rough.

“Stop,” she shushed me at breakfast while sipping a coffee. “I ache, but I like this one.”

Coop chuckled. “Well in that case, what about round three?”

Oh, the body was willing, but the clock worked against.

Her grin lifted some of my concerns. Not pushing her meant also not taking advantage. But the lines of tension in her face were absent, and the shadows that had darkened her eyes since the confrontation with her mother had also eased.

Taking Frankie at her word, I kissed her lightly as we finished getting ready to leave. The cats were fed, and I’d dealt with the litter box while Coop got the trash. I had her backpack and my own. She was riding to school with me, but Coop would bring her home since I had practice after.

In the car, I glanced over to find her smiling at me. “What?”

“Nothing,” she said. “Just…that was a lot of fun.”

“Yeah it was,” I agreed with her. “You’re not too sore?” I hadn’t been as gentle as I would have liked there, and Coop seemed to have had the same idea.

“Not too much,” she promised, then slid her hand over my thigh. “You guys really didn’t mind…”

“Hell no, I didn’t mind,” I assured her. “Trust me. It was hot as hell watching him kiss you while I had my mouth on your pussy. It was hotter still to kiss you while he made you come.”