“No?” With a laugh, he hit play, and I flicked a look to the screen.

There was a woman on the bed with two very huge dudes spit roasting her.

“That doesn’t even look comfortable.”

“It’s not supposed to look comfortable,” Jake said.

“He’s right,” I admitted. “They want it to be photogenic, which means those positions are done more for camera angles than pleasure…” Course, the woman let out a scream as the one guy came all over her face.

“And that right there…” Frankie pointed. “Hell no.”

It was my turn to laugh, and I slid a look at Jake behind her back. Like what the hell? He shrugged, then nodded to her. She was laughing. And distracted.

Eh, worked for me.

“No facials,” Jake said. “Duly noted. But the rest of this is okay?”

Yeah, I didn’t miss the way she bit her lip. Hey, like I said, a guy has to have some fantasies.

“Ass,” she muttered, and I grinned. That was not a ‘no.’

“So,” Jake continued, still grinning. “Next we have…”

For the next fifteen minutes, he teased her with different porn videos, and it was hilarious. Particularly when we hit the superhero re-enactments. Some of her embarrassment went away, and she just started laughing her ass off.

When she finally ordered us to pick something new and headed to the kitchen to make popcorn, I glanced over at Jake. “Feel like helping me with the sophomore interested in Sis tomorrow?”

He slanted a look in my direction. “Intimidate or beat the crap out of him?”

“We’ll start with the warning.”

“Got it.” Jake lifted his soda and toasted me with it. “Just tell me when.”



We were still looking for a movie when Jake’s phone buzzed. “It’s my mom,” he said, rising and hitting answer. He carried it with him as he headed for the bedroom and some privacy.

I kicked back and watched Frankie as she moved around the kitchen with care. She got the popcorn made without us interfering, though I wanted to. She had it down pretty slick, too. When she carried the big bowl out, I rose. “You want me to grab drinks?”

“Yes, please. Do you need real food? Jake and I saved dinner for you.”

“I’m good,” I told her, then touched her chin gently, and when she lifted her face to me, I dropped a kiss on her lips. “Thanks for saving me food.”

“I’m getting awfully used to you guys being here.”

“Good,” I said with a wink. “I like being here.”

Studying her expression, I gave her a minute.

“You want to talk about it?” Despite her earlier laughter, there was something more going on.

“Not yet,” she admitted. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“Anytime,” I promised her.

She hesitated, then glanced to where Jake had gone, then back to me. “Ian wrote me a song.”