“Yes, sir.”

“Your attendance continues to be stellar?”

“Well, with a minor lapse recently when I was needed elsewhere, yes, sir. My GPA is good.”

“And the reasons you left Andover?”

“Those were always me, not the school,” Archie stated. “I didn’t want to stay there, and I thought I’d give public school a shot. Neither of them argued.”

Curling my fingers around Archie’s, I frowned. The more he spoke, the more I hated his parents.

“Sprout, you never explained it to me.”

Archie sighed, glancing at me.

“I can go,” I offered.

“No, it’s just…it’s lame.” He made a face. Touching his tongue to his teeth, he said, “Promise not to think less of me?”

“I’m sorry, didn’t you meet me in the days of glitter in my hair and baking spirit boxes weekly? How could I possibly think less of you?”

“You were adorable,” Archie stated, as if it were fact. “Though, I don’t miss the glitter.”

Me neither. I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled, then focused on his grandfather again.

“I hated the pretentiousness of the school. Everyone was a competitor. The other students were only interested in advancing themselves academically, socially, and financially. I had enough of that when I was with Muriel and Edward. When Nana died…”

“You wanted a real change,” Ted said with a much deeper sigh.

“And to go as far from that world as I could get. When Muriel and Edward had that falling out with you and they decided to relocate a portion of Standish here to Texas, this worked.” Archie shrugged. “Best decision I ever made. Met the guys and Frankie on my first day, and I’ve never looked back.”

His grandfather smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. She would have been proud of you, too, you know. She always worried about you being away the boarding school. Thought it wasn’t right you were enrolled so early.”

“I didn’t mind it. I got to spend weekends with you two.”

“We loved that, too.” The thickening atmosphere between them seemed too intimate and too personal, but Archie kept a fast hold on my hand so I couldn’t excuse myself to let them have that moment. “We really did, Sprout.” Leaning forward, Ted glanced from Archie to me and then back again. “I’ll get into it with my lawyers. I’ll get them removed from your trust.”

He frowned.

“Are you both certain he’s asked Frankie’s mother to marry him?”

Archie nodded. “They’ve both indicated that, even if Edward and Muriel are hardly divorced and as far as I know aren’t planning to divorce.”

“But he’s living with…Ms. Curtis?” Ted seemed far more diplomatic in his choice of words than I would be under the circumstances. Of course, this really wasn’t comfortable for any of us.

“What are you thinking?” Archie asked.

“Just trying to parse what he’s up to, Sprout.” Rising, Ted focused on me. “It was very nice to meet you, Frankie. I’ll be in town for the next few days. Would you two do an old man a favor and join me for dinner sometime this week?”

“Any day but my birthday, Grandpa. I have plans with Frankie.”

Not that we’d discussed, but I was glad he was thinking ahead. I wanted to do something for his birthday, too.

“Makes sense to me. Well, if I can help in anyway, you let me know.”

I would have let Archie walk him out alone, but he tugged me along, and now that we’d left the uncomfortable stuff aside, Archie’s grandfather turned on the charm. I definitely saw the resemblance.

“You know, I could get us a time at the club this weekend. I’m sure they’ll make arrangements for me. You and Frankie could come up, we’ll play a round, and Frankie can enjoy a spa if she’d like or join us on the greens.”