“Hey, Rach…”

She spared him a look.

“Nice trip.”

For a split-second, the corners of her lips curled, then she pivoted on her heel and walked away. As Jake headed for take-out, we didn’t talk. Not really. At the same time, the air in the car was thick with all the things we weren’t saying.

“Don’t forget to get her—”

“A double chocolate chip chocolate shake,” Jake finished. “I know.”

When my phone rang, I sighed.


Holding up a finger, I hit answer and said, “Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

“I thought I would call and ask you that.” There was no admonition in her voice, which was a bad sign. She was almost too calm. “I talked to Alicia today.”


“She told me about what happened at Homecoming.” There was the reproach. “Why didn’t you tell me what happened to Frankie? Sweetheart, I could be over there helping.”

I blew out a breath, Jake and Coop were dead silent, no way they hadn’t heard my mom so, I manned the fuck up. “Because I didn’t want Dad to know. He’s already talked about going to CPS about things, and while I appreciate that he cares and wants the best for Frankie, trying to send her away with strangers isn’t what she needs. We’re taking care of her.”

Mom was quiet for a moment. “Tell me the truth, Ian. Is she all right?”

“Not really,” I said. “She’s Frankie. She’s strong. But I don’t know if we know what we’re doing.” I ignored the dark look Jake sent me. “But I know we’re the right ones to do it.” Jake’s expression shifted. “I know we’re the people she needs. We’re kind of figuring this out as we go.”

She sighed. “All right, where is Maddy?”

“Europe, I think.” Yeah, I wasn’t lying to Mom. Not telling her stuff was one thing, but directly lying? Not happening. “Can you not bring this up with Dad?”

“I’ll deal with your father. That girl doesn’t need more trouble, but at least I know why he pushed to get us certified as foster parents so much the last few weeks.”


Even Coop jerked.

“Tell me if she needs anything. Some things you boys can’t do. I know Alicia’s probably told Jake the same things.” I shot him a look, and he shrugged, then nodded. “And I’ll call Carly.” That was Coop’s mom. “We’ll figure this out. In the meanwhile, do you want me to bring you clean clothes? I’m assuming you’re staying over at the apartment.”

I had been. “I’m good, Mom. I can come and get stuff.” Honestly, I wasn’t sure we’d be able to get her to leave Frankie alone if she came over. I wasn’t sure what the right move was. “Sorry, I cut you out of the loop.”

“You were protecting her,” Mom said. She sounded almost proud. “Just remember we’re not the enemy and don’t worry about Dad, okay?”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Love you, baby.”

I grimaced but said it anyway, “Love you, too.” After she hung up, I stared at my phone.

“I love your mom, too,” Coop said without an ounce of sarcasm.

“Me, three,” Jake told me with a grin, and then it was our turn at the pick-up window and he paid for the food. I had no idea they’d applied to be foster parents. I suppose that helped if they really pushed it where Frankie was concerned, but she didn’t need any more major changes.

While I might not know what she needed, I definitely knew what she didn’t.

“Hey,” I said as we pulled out of the drive-thru. “Stop by the grocery store real quick.”