And had been for all of them. Frankie did that for us, too. It was how we’d always balanced this friendship.

When she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine, I held still. Just the barest of brushes, and I wanted to deepen it. But I cupped her face and forced myself to take it easy. Then she teased her tongue against my lips, and I groaned.

Okay. Good intentions crumbled as I opened up and met her tongue with mine. It was just a long, slow kiss. I held her hand and cupped her face as we tested and tasted each other. The hints of Korean barbecue just added to the spice of the kiss. She pressed her bandaged wrist against my other leg, and the raspiness of it kept me grounded.

When she finally pulled back, I wasn’t the only one breathing hard. Fuck, that had been nice. I studied her expression and smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she whispered. “I wanted to know if that was still okay?”

Was kissing me still okay?

“Hell yes, it’s still okay.” I closed the distance and kissed her this time, a little more forcefully, but she gave a little moan and scooted forward. Then I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face against her throat. She gave a little shudder, and I sighed. “It’s always okay. We go as fast or slow as you need.”

Relief swam off her, and I pulled back a little.

“Frankie, did you think we wouldn’t want you?”

“You’re all being so careful, and… I know I’ve been confused.”

I pressed a finger to her lips. “We’re all respecting your space, but don’t for a second think I don’t want you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve jacked off in the shower just to make sure I wasn’t pressuring you in anyway.”

“Well, the next time you do that, do you mind if I watch?”

Heat flushed right through me, and my erection told me my dick was one hundred and ten percent on board with this idea.

“Whatever you want,” I told her. “But don’t push anything you don’t want to. Trust me. You areworthwaiting for.”

The press of her lips against mine threatened my sanity. I didn’t want to hurt anything on her, but I could definitely go for making out.

“Maybe we go slow,” she whispered against my lips. “But I would love to see you get yourself off. I bet it’s pretty.”

I groaned. “You’re killing me.”

She chuckled, then pulled her hand from mine and slid it down my front. I caught it before she reached her destination.

“And that would kill me,” I chastised her. “If you really want to play, we go home and we play. But I don’t want to hurt you.”

None of us did.

She met my gaze, and I held my breath.

“Maybe we experiment a little?”

I glanced at the time on my phone.

We had about ninety minutes before the guys were out of school.

“Whatever you want,” I told her, and pressed another kiss to her lips. “Let me clean this up, and we’re going home.”

And hopefully my dick didn’t die from strangulation before then. The heat in her eyes wasn’t manufactured, but then neither was her earlier confusion.

Take it slow would be my mantra. But I wanted her to know I wanted her. That hadn’t changed at all.

If that meant a little torture for me, I could handle it.

I could handle pretty much anything for her.

Chapter Five