“Why?” I teased. “Going to come with me?”



Well, hell yes.


“Don’t say if you’re ready,” she mused. “Someone told me my left is pretty mean, and it’s almost over the slap I gave Ian.”

“Noted.” I slid a sideways look at her. “Babe, if you coming over means you’re just sleeping in my bed with me, that’s fine. If we’re doing anything else in that bed, that’s fine, too. I’m not telling you no.”

“But you’re worried about me.”

“I am. Kind of comes with the title.” I pulled into a parking spot and eyed her. “Not going to ask me what title?”

“You’re my boyfriend,” she murmured, then lifted her eyes to meet my gaze. “I worry about you, too.”

“Comes with the title,” I said.


Coop opened her door. “And what are we doing in here?”

She smiled at me. “Discussing titles.”

“I’m partial to Master of the Universe.” The easy smile on Coop’s face and the softer tone relaxed some of the tension right out of her. “What do you think, Queen of the Cats? Or Feline Woman?”

“Feline Woman?”

Yeah, I was with Frankie on that one. That sounded terrible. “Dude, no. Catwoman.”

That might have been a mistake, because as we slid out of the car, I found myself imagining her in a slinky black bodysuit. Leather.

Oh. Yeah.

My gaze collided with Coop’s as he licked his lips. Okay, I was down with sharing that fantasy. “We still need to pick out some Halloween costumes.”

She hesitated, glancing from me to Coop and then back. “I am not dressing up as Catwoman, you dirty, dirty boys.”

“Aww,” Coop groaned. “But you would be in all that leather and have a whip.”

She rolled her eyes. “No.”

“Not even if one of us dresses up as Batman?” I offered, and she strode away from me, laughing.

“Not even.”

“We’ll work on that,” Coop said, and we both grinned.

While I downloaded the files that Bubba, Rachel, and Coop sent over, and Frankie took care of the cats with Coop before putting some things together.

“You going over to Archie’s tonight?” he asked. I was in the living room, but they weren’t exactly being quiet about the conversation.

“Maybe,” she told him, and I smiled. “If he has to go over there to work on this project, I’m going with him.” There was a beat. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Well, I kind of like sleeping here with you, but we can give Archie a night if he has to go back to the big lonely mansion without you. He’s had a few nights away, seems only fair.”