“I said no,” I repeated for her. “You must have a hearing issue. People tell you no, and you don’t hear it. People tell you they aren’t interested and it doesn’t fit your narrative, so you twist it. You make up lies and then call it creatively telling the truth from a certain point of view. You’re the worst kind of person. The worst kind of girl. Backstabbing. Manipulative. Shallow. Even worse than all of that—you’re pathetic.”

Yeah. Not the plan. Didn’t care anymore.

Her eyes widened.

“I dumped you months ago. Get over it.” With that, I turned and stalked away from her with Jake right next to me. He actually laughed when we were halfway to the stadium.

“Damn, Bubba. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

Yeah. I didn’t know it either. “She’s the second worst mistake I ever made.”


I nodded. “Letting Frankie think I didn’t care was the worst.”

“Dude, you can still fix it.”

I intended to.

Rachel had the right idea. I pulled my phone out and switched it off from recording, then tapped the file to send it to Archie. “Think we got it?”

“I know we did.” Jake slapped my back. “She isn’t going to know what hit her. Besides, she made such a scene, everyone was checking it out and filming it.”

I snorted. “I thought that was Frankie’s slap getting their interest.”

“Oh, that definitely earned some play. How’s the face?”


“Good,” he said with a grin.


“Definitely. But you deserved it.”

Yeah. I really had. “Fuck, I hope this works.”

On all counts.

Chapter Twenty-One

Sleeping Arrangements


Soon as Bubba and Jake stalked off from Sharon, I looped my arm through Frankie’s. “Time to go.”

“I should have slappedher.” The hostility edging Frankie’s voice was pretty damn sexy. More telling was the possessiveness in her voice.

“You can slap her later,” Coop promised, and I shot a look at him. The very last thing Frankie needed was to be getting in a fight. She still had a damn broken wrist. “C’mon, we need to grab food.”

She made a scoffing noise.

“And we need to work on the rest of this,” I said, hoping the verbal nudge would get her moving. It worked. We split up at the cars, Coop heading for his while Frankie climbed into the Ferrari with me. Thankfully, she was inside the car and didn’t see Sharon glaring after her. But I did.

I made sure the bitch knew I saw her. She better remember where she was and who I was before she started something up with me. After one last filthy glare, she cut away and headed across the parking lot. Coop swung past my spot, the lot had emptied pretty rapidly, and he rolled down his window.

“What are you doing?”