“Hey,” Jake said, cutting in. “We gotta go, Bubba.”

“Fuck off, Jake. We’re having a moment,” Sharon informed him.

“Wasn’t talking to you, skank. I’d tell you to suck my dick, but I wouldn’t want it to fall off.”

“I wouldn’t touch your dick anyway…you know I’m all about Bubba.”

Yeah. I couldn’t do this anymore. I wanted her hands off me. But the look of pure malice on Jake’s face kept me still.

“Really? I’m pretty sure that was you begging me the last night before school started. You were horny and Bubba wouldn’t fuck you, but I looked free, so you all but tried to crawl onto my cock, and I had to dump your ass in the pool to get you off of me.”

Sharon’s eyes blazed, and her face went red. “That’s not true.”

“Well, we can always check the video,” Jake taunted her. “You like video. You and the girls were all over us, and you didn’t seem to care who you got as long as you got one of us, so spin your bullshit for Bubba, and if he wants to buy in, I’ll be sure to get him an appointment for that STD panel.”

“Fuck you,” she snarled at him, then looked at me. “Are you going to let him talk to me like that?”

I shrugged. “Is he lying?”

She froze. “What?”

“Is. He. Lying?” I enunciated every word clearly.

“Well, we might have had a moment, but we were drunk.”

Translation. Jake wasn’t lying.

I didn’t care, other than that I hadn’t seen through this crap in the first place. Rachel was right. I fucked up royally.

“And all your little attacks on Frankie? Those lies?”

“No—they’re just—well—they’re true. From a certain point of view.”

Jake snorted. “Cunt.”

“Fuck off,” she growled at him, and he smiled. It was not a friendly smile.

“Make me.”

She let out a little scream. “Bubba?”

We had an audience now, not just the folks who’d planned on watching it—like Archie, Coop, Rachel, and fuck me, Frankie was right there. But there were other kids, too. Sharon was really making a spectacle of herself.

“What? You’re a big girl. You just told me you can handle it.”

She flushed a deep crimson. “Of course, I can. Should I meet you after practice, since you have to go?”


“Why what?”

“Why should you meet me after practice?”

“So we can talk about getting back together again. I’ll make it real nice for you.”

