As far as I was concerned, crushing her like an insect would be too good for her. I would go along with the plan for now, but I wanted contingencies in place.

It might take a little finagling, but my grandfather was in town, and if anyone knew how to pull strings and make shit happen? He’d be the guy to ask.

I might have already sent him a text to do just that, but I had to be careful, too. Frankie didn’t want to hurt Sharon—that compassionate heart of hers was too much. I wanted to hurt the bitch, but Frankie didn’t. So I just needed to make the problem go away.

Jake hit me with a text during classes, verifying I’d be in place before it went down. Coop was always the first one to the lot, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

We needed all the camera angles.

He texted a few more times, going over the plan in the group chat. Bubba and Coop indulged him, and I just paid attention in case something came up that I needed to know.

My phone buzzedagainabout five minutes before the end of the day. Jake was on edge, but I’d expected it to be Bubba. Instead it was a number I didn’t recognize.

Unknown:This is Maddy Curtis. I would like to speak to you privately.

I snorted.Was this bitch for real?

Archie:Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just block your ass right now.

Unknown:Because you seem to care about my daughter.

Seemed to care.What a cunt.

Archie:You’ll have to do better than that. You wouldn’t know caring if it bit you in the ass.


The three dotshung there for a long while, and the bell rang. Too late, I muted the message and then slid it off the screen as I abandoned the class. I wanted a front row seat to the action.

I didn’t quite run, but I still managed to hit the shortcut down the band hall and then right outside where I could circle back toward the doors Bubba usually exited. Switching the focus on the camera, I turned it on to record before sliding it into the pocket of my shirt. As long as I angled toward them, it would catch everything.

Rachel sat cross legged on the grass, not far from the same doors, with her phone in her hand while she looked for all the world like she was texting.

If I didn’t know what she was up to, I would have bought it.

Coop strolled through the door first. He lifted his chin toward me as he headed in my direction, and I nodded. Why would we ignore each other? It wasn’t like we didn’t usually hang out or anything.

Not ten seconds later, Sharon exited with Bubba, and he had his head angled toward her like he was listening. There was no physical contact. Just Sharon talking a mile a minute while Bubba pretended to be interested.

“Showtime,” I murmured as Jake pushed the door open to let Frankie out. The sun hit her blonde hair and gave it a glow. She already had her sunglasses out and tucked them on. Half-turned toward Jake, she made a show of noticing Bubba.

I held my breath as she locked on to where he and Sharon stood. Sharon noticed her first—well, seemingly. I highly doubted it, but Bubba’s body language was hard to read, considering how stiffly he stood there already.

Frankie’s lips compressed, and the anger flashing over her face was so close to the day she’d ripped into us about her mother’s affair with Edward that I winced.

Blowing out a breath, I fought the surge of hot cold and my stomach bottoming out. I never wanted her that upset again.

Jake caught her arm as if trying to half-heartedly hold her back, but she shrugged him off as she marched toward them. Sharon had a hand on Bubba’s arm and stepped into him.

Fuck, I wished I could hear what she was saying exactly, but then Frankie was there.

He jerked around to face Frankie, and the crack of her hand colliding with his cheek echoed across the quad.

No missing that.

I swore Sharon grinned before she snarled at Frankie and took a step toward her. Oh fuck no, but I’d only taken one step before Jake was there, inserting himself between them.

Okay, not the plan. But we rolled with it. Particularly when Jake said something to Sharon, and her face mottled with rage.