“That was good, right?” Coop mused.

“I don’t know,” Jake answered. “On a scale of one to ten, I’m thinking a five because vague as fuck, but two points extra cause he did actually get her to say yes.”

“And a kiss, he scored a kiss.”

“That wasn’t winning a kiss. He gave her a kiss,” Jake argued. “That’s different. Pretty shitty kiss, too.”

Sliding a look at them, I said, “You’re not funny.”

Coop grinned. “We’re hilarious.”

“And you adore us,” Jake added on. “So what are we doing tonight?”

“You, I hope,” Coop continued. They both grinned widely, knocking elbows once like they’d coordinated it.

“Asses. Both of you. And no—you’re notdoingme…at least, not right now.” Because…well to be honest, the other day had been all kinds of hot and intense. I grimaced and glanced down at my cast. It was a little lighter than the splint, but that wasn’t saying much. I swore my bones ached.

“You hurting?”

“Yeah, but I can’t take anything yet. I need to try over the counter stuff first, ’cause I still have homework and I need you guys to take me to the mall.”

They both paused, then asked in a dead similar tone, equal parts dread and caution, “Why?”

“Archie’s birthday. I need to go buy him a present.” I’d totally blown it on Coop’s. “And you still need one, too.”

“I got my present,” Coop said with a sly smile. “I got a day with you. And the night after. Best present. Ever.”

“I’ll remember that the next time you start bitching you want your game system upgraded,” Jake muttered.

“Oh like you wouldn’t give up a game system for a day with Frankie. Please.”

I grinned. It was a ridiculous conversation, but it helped.

“Mall?” I asked. “Please? Before this hurts so much I don’t want to do anything.”

“Sure thing, Baby Girl. We’ll even swing by that Indian place there and let you get all the naan bread you can eat.” Jake’s offer had my stomach snarling.

Yeah. I was easy.

Now, what the hell did I get Archie for his birthday?

Hopefully, Tuesday would go better than Monday, save for the rocky start. There had been no sex with guys, as nice as that might have been. After a damn near fruitless shopping trip and getting homework done, I hurt too much and I was too tired. But curling up with them while I talked first to Ian, then to Archie before we went to sleep had been nice.

When I had a hell of a time relaxing, Jake had gone to work on massaging my feet while Coop stroked his fingertips against my scalp. I was out in less than five minutes.

Nightmares had woken me a dozen times. It was probably the worst night’s sleep I’d had since my first couple of days after Homecoming.

The guys hovered, even when they weren’t trying to. I was a mess. And Ian still wanted to go do a surprise that night. As hard as I tried not to be cranky, I was losing that battle.

Mr. Wittaker hadn’t called on Monday like he said, but he did call on Tuesday and left me a message. He had all the pertinent details, like what the injunction covered, and he sent a copy to my email to keep on hand, another would be couriered over before the end of the day.

By the time school wrapped for the day, I half-wished I’d told Ian no, but I wouldn’t back out at the last minute. Jake drove us back to my apartment while Ian followed on his bike.

Before I could ask how we were going anywhere, Ian opened the passenger door of Jake’s SUV. Coop had planned to run some deliveries right after school. Yes, I was a little sour that they were finding ways to work and I still had to call Marsha about my arm. It wasn’t their fault.

“Mind if I drive your car?” Ian offered. “Or if you’re up for it, you can drive.”

Some of my bad mood dissipated.