“Hmm.” I was trying to type one-handed.

His little grunt made me grin.

“Yes, Archie, I like your body just fine, but that’s not what I want you for. Though it is a perk.”

“Better.” He paused a beat. “It’s the car, isn’t it?”

I grinned. “Guilty.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Yep, you have good taste.”

Chapter Seventeen

Be Careful What You Wish For

The weekend went better than I could have expected or planned for. First, not only did we end up having a movie marathon, but the guys turned up the mocking as we picked the films apart. Luckily, they were all movies I’d seen before, but it didn’t matter—it was still funny.

As requested, Archie curled up next to me in the bed, but to my surprise and everyone else’s, Ian grabbed the second spot on my other side.

“If you don’t mind,” he’d murmured. While he had ended up crawling into bed with me the other night, it was only after nightmares had freaked me out.

Jake and Coop made faces, but rolled with it. Though, like Ian, they didn’t crash on the sofa and grabbed spots in the room.

“Bigger bed,” Archie muttered as we settled in. It should have been awkward maybe to be tucked between them. I was used to Archie, Coop, and Jake, but not so much Ian. Still, when I tucked my feet against his legs, I hesitated. He let out a hiss at the chill, and when I would have pulled them away, he locked his calves around one.

The giggles hit a minute later.

“Dude,” Archie complained with a grin in his voice. “The icy feet you gotta deal with.”

“I’m dealing just fine.”

“If you can’t handle it, we can always swap,” Jake offered.

Ian snorted and then managed to trap my other foot, and the giggles had me biting my lip.

“Or we can just keep making her laugh,” Coop drawled. “Because that’s an effective way to get her to go to sleep.”

I snorted mid-giggle and then hiccupped.

That successfully cracked all of them up.

Needless to say it was another hour before we shut up and stopped laughing long enough for me to go to sleep. What little awkwardness had been there when Ian first claimed the spot was gone. I went to sleep with my head on Archie’s shoulder and my feet tucked against Ian’s legs, while he had a hand on my hip and Archie held my left hand.

The cats had picked their places with Tiddles nestled in the divot between Archie and I. Tabby and Tory abandoned us for Jake and Coop respectively. It was a little bit like a game of Twister, but it was comfortable and sweet.

Despite a couple of nightmares, Saturday proved to be laid back. We slept in. Well, I slept in. Coop got up and fed the cats. Jake got up and ran to the store and picked up donuts and coffee. Ian got up next, then he, Jake, and Archie all went for a run.

I was aware of none of this until after the fact because I slept until nearly eleven. Coop teased me a little for sleeping through his best moves.

“Clearly, they weren’t your best then,” I snarked around a yawn that just set Coop off laughing.

As promised to Jeremy, I got pictures of Archie doing laundry. He didn’t do too badly. Course, he had Coop and Jake advising him with Ian showing moral support. In all honesty, I didn’t think I’d ever laughed so much just doing chores.

Then again, I’d never had my panties and bras folded or rated by four guys before either. The argument over whose of their boxers I had, however, that they were in the midst of when Mrs. Tagaliono—an elderly neighbor who lived in one of the apartments between Coop and I—entered with her own small basket of laundry just about killed me.

